Clementina, Chapter I – Penetration
Date: 3/2/2024,
Body modification,
Author: JackDRipper
... and I in our darkest hour, and I had paid her back by being a Peeping Tom. My mom was going to kill me.
But there was that seeming phone call between Clementina and my mother. Had that really happened? Or had Clementina been leading me on? If she was leading me on, she had no reason to be mad at me for playing the voyeur. And if it was real, then neither she nor my mother had any right to be mad. It made me feel a little bit better, but I still felt like shit.
I wearily climbed the stairs out of the cellar. My phone said it was shortly after midnight. Maybe I would be able to get at least a few hours sleep before I made an early run to Home Depot in the morning.
I knocked on the bathroom door. “Clementina?”
“Yes, just a moment.” I heard the sounds of her getting out of the tub an the water draining, and a second later Clementina opened the door. She wore a bath towel wrapped around her body, holding it closed. The towel could barely contain her curves, and it threatened to gap in front.
But I had no desire for her right then. I had already had enough excitement for one night, enough of her games. I just wanted to go to bed.
I stammered as I started to speak. “Hey, um, there’s been an accident in the basement.”
“An accident?” she cocked an eyebrow.
“Yes, I the plumbing and I accidentally bumped the pipe that was leaking. It ruptured.”
Inspecting the plumbing? I cringed inwardly at my attempted lie.
“You were inspecting my ...
... plumbing?” she asked. “How did my plumbing look?”
I blushed from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.
“It looked…” I hesitated. Clementina made a “go on” gesture with her hand. “It otherwise. Except for the part I accidentally broke, everything else looked to be working order.”
“So my plumbing looked to be up to the task?” she asked, taking a slight step towards me.
I took a step backwards. “Yes, yes, it looked fine, except for the part that ruptured.”
She stepped forward again. “But you can fix it, right? You can put my plumbing back in shape?”
“I don’t have everything I need here,” I said, again stepping backwards. “I need to wait until I can go to the store in the morning. So you won’t have water service until tomorrow.”
“But everything else looked fine?” she asked, again stepping forward. “You made a thorough inspection of my plumbing?”
“Clementina, look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have…”
That was as far as I got. Clementina put a finger to my lips. She disappeared back into the bathroom and came out a moment later with her phone pressed to her ear. She was becoming careless about the towel, which had slipped to the side, allowing one of her breasts to slide free, the long, brown nipple standing out.
I was tired, I was muddy, and I was frustrated, but I had to wonder if she wasn’t leading me on again.
She caught me looking at her chest but she didn’t cover up. That told me a lot.
“Hey Eva?” Clementina ...