1. Clementina, Chapter I – Penetration

    Date: 3/2/2024, Categories: Fantasy Anal Body modification, Horror, Incest Lactation, Author: JackDRipper

    ... read it in your eyes. Return to me, Clementina.”
    Clementina looked down at the floor. The blush coursed up her neck again. Ona stepped forward, reaching out to her sister, taking her in her arms.
    At first the hug was sisterly, loving. But as they embraced, their bodies slipped slickly across each other’s skin. A thigh slipped between two other thighs, milky breasts touched and slid against each other. Hands roamed.
    Clementina and Ona leaned back from each other, staring into each other’s eyes. Ona kissed Clementina on the lips, then leaned down and began suckling at her sister’s breasts.
    Clementina closed her eyes, her face a mask of pleasure as her sister sucked at the creamy milk that now flowed from her breasts. Ona reached a hand down and slipped it between Clementina’s thighs, parting her thick lobes, and sliding a finger into her. Clementina moaned as one finger became two, then three.
    Ona ran her tongue up Clementina’s breasts, up her neck, until her mouth was perched right across from her sister’s.
    “Come to me Clementina,” she whispered again. “Join me. We can be queens together. Everything we need will be provided for. We can live in each other’s arms, living only for each other, only to pleasure each other. We will be more than sisters, more than lovers, more than human. It will be beautiful.”
    Clementina opened her eyes. She and Ona gazed at each other lovingly. Slowly Ona opened her mouth, wider and wider. Slime poured out of Ona’s mouth and ...
    ... coursed down her distended throat and neck and across her breasts, mingling with the milk that trickled from her midnight nipples.
    A tiny black head with beady eyes emerged from Ona’s mouth.
    Clementina recoiled in horror, falling backwards into the slime.
    My mom struck out with a vicious kick.
    “Fuck this,” she spat, as she sent Ona tumbling to the side.
    Then everything happened at once.
    The dark phallite that was trying to infect Clementina had been knocked completely free of both the sisters and was now wriggling in a corner, making a beeline for Clementina. I snatched it up and dashed it against a rock – its head a bloody mess.
    My mother landed another kick on Ona that left her dazed and within a moment she was hog tied and laying in the slime on the floor.
    Clementina was on all fours in the slime, wretching. She looked over at her sister. “You bitch!”
    Ona squirmed and wriggled, trying to free herself, but my mom had grown up on a farm, and she knew how to tie up something so it couldn’t come free.
    Ona cursed.
    “All of you will suffer once I get free. Even you, you bitch!” she spat at Clementina.
    Ona convulsed and shook. Now with just one dark phallite inside of her she was going through the back-and-forth that Clementina had experienced up in our bathroom the other day.
    Ona’s eyes cleared for a moment – the red slipped away, to be replaced by normal human eyes. She looked up at me, seeing the cream-colored phallite still perched on my ...