Clementina, Chapter I – Penetration
Date: 3/2/2024,
Body modification,
Author: JackDRipper
... is down in the cellar,” she said. “Follow me.”
She turned away, and while I desperately wanted to lose the budding erection, I couldn’t help but watch the way she swayed her hips as she led me through the house. The bottom of her silk robe was tantalizingly close to riding up high enough to reveal more than decency would allow, and I had trouble tearing my eyes away. When we reached the basement door and she turned, I would have sworn the robe gapped just enough for me to catch sight of a tidy little bush and the jiggle of a pair of long thick lobes beneath.
I was pretty sure she caught me looking, but her face betrayed no sign of it as she pulled open the cellar door and flicked on the light.
I had been down in the cellar of Clementina’s house many times. The cellar had been built much the way the rest of the house had been built, piecemeal. It was mostly an old-fashioned stone-and-dirt cellar, though it was dry, unlike a lot of cellars in old houses. The chamber you were in when you first entered the cellar was about fifteen feet square and held the washing machine and dryer. There were four other chambers in the cellar, which contained things like the furnace, the pump, etc, all accessed by a network of crawlspaces. My father and I had done enough work for her that I could probably draw a map of the cellar by heart.
As far as old cellars go, it wasn’t too bad. But I still hated it. Too many spiders, the occasional rodent, not enough lighting, just overall ...
... creepy. I wasn’t scared to go down there, but I rarely made it through a visit to Clementina’s cellar without being creeped or startled by something either furry or multi-legged.
But I did spend an inordinate amount of time in her basement. Pipe leaks were so common down there that my father had kept a stash of basic plumbing supplies in the corner of the southwest chamber where the pump was. So whatever was wrong, I probably would be able to fix it in an hour or so as long as it wasn’t too complicated.
The main chamber of the cellar was in the northwest corner. Clementina walked across the dirt floor towards the western crawlspace. I could already see the trickle of water running out of the crawlspace onto the dirt floor, turning the dirt into a gray mud. Clementina leaned forward and hopped up into the crawlspace, leaning forward on all fours.
My earlier suspicions were confirmed. She was completely naked under the robe. Her wide-but-perfect ass stared me straight in the face, her sphincter colored pinkish-brown a few inches above the thick folds of her meaty labia.
I couldn’t help myself, I stared. Luckily, she was moving a few feet into the crawlspace, and by the time she turned back, I had come to my senses and was crawling into the space behind her.
But my cock was now hard as a rock.
About halfway down the tunnel she stopped and pointed to a pipe that was leaking a steady spray of mist into the crawlspace. I moved down the passage until Clementina and I ...