Clementina, Chapter I – Penetration
Date: 3/2/2024,
Body modification,
Author: JackDRipper
... far in. I threw it in the corner against the wall and I think I stunned it because it stopped moving for awhile. That let me focus on Clementina, who had begun to rage and attack me. I rolled out from under her and got to my feet. For the first time ever, those kick boxing classes came in handy outside of the gym. I knocked her out, tied her up and dumped her slimy little friend in a bucket. Then I texted you.”
I shook my head. There was a pause in the conversation as we stood there, watching Clementina vacillate back and forth between threatening to kill us and begging us for help.
“So what happened to you?” my mom finally prompted gesturing at my slimy, muddy, bloody body. I filled her in on everything that had gone on in Clementina’s cellar and the chambers beyond, showing her the photos on my phone of the statue, the chambers. Finally I fetched the journal and my father’s wedding ring from my tool bag.
When I showed my mother the wedding band, tears welled up in her eyes.
“He was always so distant,” she said. “I wasn’t upset with losing him to another woman, because I knew he never really was mine. But for him to die this way, I never would have asked that for my worst enemy, let alone the man I once loved with all my heart.” She leaned against me and I held her while she cried, and I wept next to her.
After a few minutes, we composed ourselves.
“So, what do we do now?” my mom asked, still sniffling. “Any ideas?”
I looked down at Clementina, who ...
... still was shifting back and forth between pleas for help and spews of hatred. I knelt beside her and waited for the calmer side to take over for a moment. When her eyes cleared, I spoke to her.
“What do we do? How can we help you?” I asked.
She seemed unable to speak, but her eyes roved then locked. I followed her gaze. It rested on the journal. I picked it up and looked back at her. She nodded, then another surge took over and she convulsed. When she stopped shaking, she began hurling insults at us again.
I pulled the journal open and began flipping through the pages, honing in on the page I had seen earlier in the cellar – the one with the two diagrams of the creatures. I read the text around them, my mother reading over my shoulder.
The creatures were called (in the notes) phallites. Despite the seriousness of the situation I had to suppress a giggle. Whoever named them definitely had a sense of humor. There were two types, dark and light. They were parasites, and would invade the human body through whatever orifice they could find – mouth, anus, vagina. Though they had very similar lifecycles, the impacts on the host were markedly different.
The cream-colored creatures were mostly benign. They would live in the human body and cause some changes to the sexual features of the host – making women curvy and inducing lactation, while adding inches and semen quantity to the men’s organs. But their primary impact was just to give their host a sense of peace and ...