Clementina, Chapter I – Penetration
Date: 3/2/2024,
Body modification,
Author: JackDRipper
... but I need some boundaries. And tonight I need to get some rest.”
She shrugged, I pushed past her up the stairs, and she followed. I headed straight for the front door, only pausing there for a moment, to add “I’ll text you later about setting up a time to fix that other pipe.”
She nodded.
I shivered as I walked up the driveway to home. The late afternoon was warm, but I was still chilled from the damp, dark basement where I had spent my day. It was good to be home.
I walked inside. My mother was in the kitchen. She looked like she had just gotten out of the shower. She had on a thin yellow tank top and a pair of close-fitting pedal pushers. Her hair was still wet and dribbled down on her shirt, creating small patches of translucent moisture across her chest. Her nipples pressed against the thin fabric that clung to her curves, covering everything but hiding nothing. I realized how bad I wanted her.
“You’re back, and wow, you’re a muddy disaster,” she said, looking me up and down. “Is she all set?”
I nodded, then added “But she still has a slow leak and a section of pipe I am going to have to replace. I am going to text her later and set something up.”
“Did she try to hit on you again?”
“Yep, I told her I needed some boundaries. Once or twice a week was fine, but every night wasn’t going to fly.”
My mother nodded. “How did she take it?”
“Mostly well. I’m glad of that. I am sore as fuck after crawling around her basement all day. I’m not sure I’m ...
... up for a high-expectation fuck right now. I just need a hot shower.”
“What about a massage and a no-expectation fuck?” my mom asked.
She met my eyes, then looked away, nervously.
“That would be incredible,” I said. I wanted to take her in my arms – or at least kiss her. But she was clean, and I was muddy, so I would have to wait. I scurried upstairs and headed straight to the shower. Peeling off my muddy clothes, I climbed into the steaming stall and let the heat loosen up my aching back and shoulders. When I finally felt like I could move again, I washed up.
By then I had a raging erection thinking about my mother, and would have loved to send a load down the shower drain. But I wanted even more to send a load into my mom. I contained myself.
Once clean, I climbed out of the shower, dried off, and wrapped up in a towel. When I emerged from the bathroom, I found my mother standing in the hallway.
She took my hand and led me to her bedroom.
She had set up several candles around the room, and the blankets had been pulled down to the bare sheet. A bottle of massage oil sat on the nightstand, next to a bottle of wine and two wine glasses. She handed one to me.
“Here’s to a new phase of our relationship,” she said, tapping my glass. I sipped gingerly, knowing the wine would go straight to my head on my empty stomach. We chatted for a few moments, as we drank the wine. It was very strange, flirting with my mother like that. After a moment, she took my glass ...