The Treatments
Date: 3/1/2024,
Body modification,
Bondage and restriction
Written by women
Author: barbarabadgirl
The Treatments
Part one.
Falling Into Place.
The day started like any other, until it took a hard left turn. Alice was out with her favorite horse Chip taking a quick ride around the property before school as she worked to break in a new saddle. The sunrise was gorgeous, the air crisp- Alice's favorite time of day to hang out with Chip. She got lost in the morning, as she often does, and when she checked her watch realized that she was one million percent going to miss the bus if she didn't RUN through the rest of her morning routine. She hustled Chip back to the barn, and in her haste to get off the horse her ankle wrapped in the stirrup and down she went- hard.
Luckily her mom Lisa had just come out to the barn to look for her, and saw it happen- she heard Alice scream, and then let out a scream of her own before rushing over to help untangle her. To Chip's credit, he didn't make things worse- which is good, because things were already pretty bad- Lisa could already tell that the ankle would need surgery.
An ambulance ride and endless consultations and xrays later, Alice's ankle was stabilized. There were multiple fractures made more complicated by the way the tendons twisted around them; the road to recovery was going to be long. Alice would need to stay in the hospital and endure multiple surgeries and physiotherapy before she was permitted to go home, where the physiotherapy would continue until she was able to walk on it again. Luckily Alice's brother ...
... Ben had gone to college earlier this year, so Lisa was free to support Alice through her recovery.
To Alice, the last three days had been a complete blur. The last thing she remembered was looking at her watch and realizing she was late- then searing pain- then darkness until she woke up in the hospital bed surrounded by wires and beeping. She met Dr. Green, the lady who did the first of many surgeries on her ankle (and would be her main doctor through the whole thing)- she was pretty nice, and kind of reminded Alice of her mom. Alice was kept pretty groggy the first couple of days after surgery; each time she woke up she was in such immense pain that she started to moan and fidget so the nurses kept her on a high dose of pain drugs.
On day three, Dr. Green came by and talked to Alice's mom. Alice was still pretty out of it, but Dr. Green put a different drug in her IV that helped her to stay awake. Alice was grateful for this, because she had a lot of questions for her mom about what happened, and what was going to happen. When can she go home? What about school? Alice's mom told her not to worry, that right now she just had to focus on getting better. Alice was kind of relieved- her mom knows best, and frankly she was pretty tired.
Alice went to sleep when her mom left for the night, promising to be back before lunch the next day. When Alice awoke, it was still dark outside- there were dim lights in her hospital room, but otherwise everything was pretty quiet other ...