1. Worshipping Her Ass

    Date: 2/27/2024, Categories: Anal Author: byBeastieboy9

    ... you!" I told her as the cum started to well up in my balls.
    "Mmmmmmmmm," was her response as she maintained solid suction on my swelling nuts.
    My balls started burning. Than my dick. Than my spine. Every inch of me was on fire as my brain exploded with dopamine. My orgasm quaked from deepest depths of me as I desperately tried to hold it back! But it became impossible as I felt my cum churning towards the tip of my dick. "Ohhhhhh fuckkkk baby open your mouth! Open your mouth!" I groaned at her through gritted teeth. She released my balls with a pop and opened her beautiful suck hole like a baby bird awaiting its breakfast. She moaned like a college whore ready to take the first load of her freshman year as I positioned my ticking time bomb of a cock right in front of her mouth. "Drink up baby! Drink up!" I yelled at her and she stuck her tongue out, ready to claim her prize! "Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh!" One last massive roar and my load shot from my cock like a bullet from a gun. The first massive, long, thick rope of cum missed her mouth and stretched from her upper lip to the top of her forehead! The second rope was even bigger and covered the left side of her face, streaking over her eye in the chaos. I continued to paint her pretty face with my hot goo for the third, fourth, fifth, and sixth ropes. "Ohhhhh yeaaaaaa," I growled as I began filling up her hungry little mouth with my never ending money shot! She looked like a glazed donut as I forced the last drips of my ...
    ... fertilizer onto her outstretched tongue. I let out one last "Ahhhhhhh," of approval before my wife grasped my pulsating cock and continued to stroke it for me. Never breaking eye contact, she took the head of my cock between her pursed lips and started sucking on it like a straw, stealing every last drop of my snakes venom from me.
    The sounds she made were so incredibly sexy as I stood over her, watching her polish my knob clean of the hot nasty sex we just had. She played with her pussy and deep throated me until my one eyed monster went soft in her mouth. She finally released me and while still diddling her clit she took her other fingers and began shoveling my hot cum from her face to her mouth. "Mmmmm... Mmmmm... Mmmmm," she hummed as she collected my load in her mouth, sucking every last drop of it from her fingers.
    "Ohh yea baby, that's so fucking hot! Play with it for me!" I demanded. She giggled and smiled, then started gargling my cum in the back of her throat. She reached in her throat and scooped a handful out and then let it all fall back in. She then started blowing bubbles with it and slurped it on her lips, just teasing me at this point. "Damn babe you are so fucking dirty... I love it! Swallow that shit." She closed her lips, let it all slide down her gullet, and then opened her mouth to show me it was gone. "That's a good girl," I responded in approval as she kneeled below me with her perfect smile, looking as beautiful as ever.
    "I'm going to go clean up ...