1. Fields of Daisies and Clover – A Hucow Story, Parts I - VI

    Date: 2/26/2024, Categories: Diary , Anal Body modification, Fisting, Incest Lactation, Male Domination, Oral Sex Author: JackDRipper

    ... Plus you will get as much of that juicy milk as you can handle.” Alina trailed off and pushed her milk-laden mounds in my direction, but I didn’t take the bait this time.
    “So who is the other ‘lady partner’ you mentioned?” I asked.
    “That’s a secret for now,” Alina replied. “If it goes well with my mom and sis, we’ll talk. Remember, we only need one more girl in your herd for you to become a full-fledged bull. So if either my mom or sister decide they are in – and they probably both will – you’re gonna be hung like a … bull.”
    “I don’t know about this…”
    “Brendan, please, do it for me…”
    I pulled away from my wife and got dressed. I needed some head space.
    “I’m going for a drive,” I said and went out to the car, starting up and driving nowhere in particular.
    When I thought about it objectively, I realized this whole farm thing had been a setup. Alina had wanted to be a cow girl, and she had manipulated this situation, with the help of her mom and sister, along with some other mystery person.
    This was grounds for a divorce. Hell, this was grounds for a lawsuit of epic proportions. But I loved my wife. I still loved her even after I had been used. Sadly that was the story of my life, I was always getting pushed around.
    I sighed. I didn’t know what it meant to be a “bull”. Maybe it still could be okay.
    But the principal of the thing. This was a violation of the basic tenets of openness in a relationship.
    My head spun round and round. I didn’t know ...
    ... what to do. So I did the only logical thing. I pulled over into a roadside park and called my mom.
    Mom lived about two hours from us and usually came for a visit once a month or so. She was in her late forties and widowed. She answered on the second ring.
    “Hi honey,” she said.
    “Hi mom,” I replied.
    “You don’t sound good,” she said immediately. Moms just have a way of knowing things. “What’s wrong?”
    “I’m having a little spat with Alina.”
    “What’s going on, tell me everything.”
    I sighed. She was my mom, I didn’t want to tell her ‘everything’ in detail, but I needed her to know the basics.
    “Do you know what a cow girl is?” I asked.
    “Do you mean like a girl cowboy?”
    “No, I mean a girl who has horns and produces a lot of special milk from her really big...you know...”
    “Oh, right,” my mom said. “That kind of cow girl. What about them?”
    “There was one in the front lawn today, and Alina brought it inside and…” I trailed off.
    “I’m guessing Alina’s a cow girl now, isn’t she.”
    “So you have two cow girls at home, you get a third and you can be a bull. You have a nice spread there to build your herd, so what’s the problem?” my mother said.
    “Mom! Not helpful!” I exclaimed.
    “Brendan, relax. It’s not the end of the world. If you gave it a try you might like it.”
    “So that’s your advice, to go with it?”
    “Pretty much, sweetheart. Look, your biggest problem with being a bull is that you need to take charge. That doesn’t come naturally ...