Fields of Daisies and Clover – A Hucow Story, Parts I - VI
Date: 2/26/2024,
Diary ,
Body modification,
Male Domination,
Oral Sex
Author: JackDRipper
... that were practically boring through the milk-soaked bikini top. Then she took Helga’s hand. “Why don’t you come inside with us, beautiful. You can stay here until you figure out what to do.”
“Wait,” I said. “What know...cow paddies in the house?”
My wife glared at me.
“God, you really are a clueless,” she snapped. “A properly fed cow uses up all her nutrition in making milk. Feed your cow right, and there are no cow paddies. Just lovely, delicious milk. Milk from her big, bountiful titties. Her holes are soaking wet and just for fun, which is important, because a happy cow needs to have her girl places filled up with a bull’s cock juice regularly.”
I stared at my wife. This whole thing was making my head spin. On top of the mayhem of moving into this farmhouse and trying to get ourselves set up, it was just too much.
My wife led Helga into the house and left me to get the groceries from the car. I brought them in, put them away, then went into the living room. Then I gasped.
Helga’s top was completely off. Alina had her lips pressed against the cow’s big, wide, hard nipples, and was sucking the milk from her bulging tits. Helga had her head back and was making soft moans and my wife squeezed the cow’s breast and guzzled streams of her thick mommy-juice.
Up until that moment, I hadn’t found any of this to be even slightly arousing. In fact, since our marriage two years ago, I hadn’t even looked at another woman except Alina. But now, seeing my ...
... beautiful wife sucking this cow-girl’s tits, I felt something shift in my underwear.
Alina looked up as I entered, suddenly sheepish.
“Um...sorry...I just…” she stammered. “I always wanted a cowgirl, and now that I have one right here, in my’s amazing…”
She looked at me again, then smiled.
“Helga’s got another one too,” Alina said, indicating Helga’s other immense, milk-filled tit. “The milk is amazing.” With that, Alina peeled off her own top and bra, revealing her pert, small breasts, then went back to work on the tit she had been sucking a moment before.
My cock was pressing against the front of my shorts. I was in shock that my wife had just given me permission to suck another woman’s tits. I hesitated and almost left the room. But the look on my wife’s face and the look on the cow’s face were both so ecstatic that I knew I had to try this thing out while I had the chance. I was sure that any second now my dearly beloved would come to her senses, throw this cow girl out into the street, and tear me a new one for even thinking about touching this girl’s chest.
But until that happened, watching my now-topless wife suck the gargantuan tits of this topless cow girl was incredibly hot, so it was time to get some of my own cow juice.
I pulled off my T-shirt and sat down on the couch next to the cowgirl. She looked at me with her perfect brown eyes and luscious lips, her soft platinum blonde hair perfectly framing her face. I leaned in and kissed ...