Life With Steph
Date: 2/24/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Male / Female Teens, Masturbation Teen Male/Teen Female Young Author: m88
We lay for a while not knowing for how long or even what time it was. The sun was still high in the sky so I guessed it was about one o’clock or shortly after. I looked at Steph, she appeared to be asleep a contented look on her face and her mouth turned up at the edges in a half smile. She opened her eyes as if sensing I was watching her, she has an uncanny ability to do this, as if she was reading my thoughts. ‘We should be getting back.’ She said. ‘Yeah I was thinking that myself, I don’t know how long we’ve been away but I bet your mothers starting to wonder where we are.’ ‘Aye she’ll not be happy if we’re late for dinner.’ I kissed her once more before freeing my arm from beneath her, I retrieved our clothes from the fields and we hurriedly got dressed. ‘Jesus your back’s a mess.’ She said to me ‘Does it hurt?’ ‘No, well not yet anyway.’ ‘I’ve scratched it pretty badly, I’m sorry.’ ‘Don’t worry about it, it was worth it.’ I reassured her. I helped her clean herself of grass and bits of debris from the ground and we recovered the cycles . ‘I think it’d be a good idea to nip into the cemetery and use the standpipe to get some of the muck out of my knees and elbows.’ I suggested. ‘Yeah, you could do with a bit of a scrub.’ She replied. As we walked around to the entrance I said we should have an excuse ready in case her mother went of on one if we were late. ‘How about we tell her I got a puncture and we had to start walking back ...
... from the coast, then after a few miles or so another cyclist helped us fix the tyre?’ ‘Yeah, that’ll do. Steph replied. Excuses ready and cleaned up as best we could we headed back. Steph’s mum was a bit miffed but only because she’d had to set the table and prepare the dinner herself, she seemed to accept our excuse as we weren’t really all that late anyway. ‘You’d better go and get washed up.’ She said to me ‘You look like you’ve had quite a ride, you’re pretty sweaty.’ I grinned and thought to myself ‘You don’t know how right you are!’ I went up to the bathroom and as I reached for the door it opened and Karen came out. ‘Ughh! You’re all sweaty; did you have a long ride?’ ‘Yes.’ I said grinning again. ‘A Long hard ride.’ ‘Where did you go?’ ‘OH! We went all the way.’ ‘Eh?’ She said with a puzzled look. ‘To the coast I mean, all the way to the coast.’ She obviously doesn’t understand innuendo. She gave me a second glance as I walked into the bathroom; I don’t think she was as convinced as her mother. ‘Ooh look you’ve got a big scratch on your leg.’ ‘Where?’ ‘There.’ She pointed and placed her finger on the back of my left thigh and traced a line up and around the inside toward my arse. I think she would have followed it all the way if I hadn’t stepped out of reach. She had a smirk on her face that convinced me she thought we’d been up to something else. We had dinner and I stayed a short while longer, leaving for home at ...