1. Quitting Smoking - chapter 5

    Date: 2/21/2024, Categories: Fiction Blowjob Incest Male / Female Teens, Males / Females, Mind Control, Author: Limnophile

    ... having a euphoric time, fucking the mouths of women who used to hate them. My attention strayed to the younger girls, as they played with themselves and sucked their cigarettes. The girls French kissed Rose and Penny once the men ejaculated.
    The four females enjoyed their delicious cum treats as my clients panted in wondrous afterglow. Once their breathing slowed, I asked them, "Was my hypnosis program all you wanted? Are you satisfied with the results?"
    "Hell yes!"
    "My GAWD! So great!"
    "Good, good. Then there's the matter of my fee." Kyle said, "A thousand dollars is a lot of money, but it's worth it." Henry agreed, "So, so worth it! That was great! I can't wait to blow a load in Becky's mouth, too!"
    I said, "Quitting smoking is very fucking sexy", then used Henry and Kyle's activation phrase, "Dirty dog daddy." Everyone stared at me blankly. I looked at Kyle and Henry and told them, "My fee is one thousand per month, not a single payment of a thousand. You need to pay me a thousand a month, so the girls will keep smoking and keep obeying you. You can trade ex-wives or daughters, but you won't screw the girls until they turn 21. Until they are 21 Becky and Melissa will only give you oral, no fucking. Nod if you understand." They did.
    "Your daughters should learn how to do smoky blowjobs. I run a smoky blowjob summer camp at my home. Your daughters will be staying at my house ...
    ... over the summer to learn the wonderful art of smoking during oral sex. If anybody asks where they are, the girls are at summer camp. Three months of smoky blowjob summer camp should be plenty. You'll love it when they blow smoke on your balls, or exhale smoke through their nostrils while they lick your pecker. The summer camp costs ten thousand per girl. You'll love it when they blow smoke on your cock or exhale smoke through their nostrils when they lick you. It will be very sexy. The summer camp is far more than worth it. Nod if you understand." They both nodded.
    "After that, Becky and Melissa will visit me for monthly smoky sex lessons. Each lesson is a thousand dollars. You will make sure they get to summer camp and their sex lessons on time. You want them to keep smoking and give you a lot of smoky blowjobs. Your deepest desire is for your daughters to be great at sex when they turn 21 and you can finally make love to them.
    Summer camp starts tomorrow, but I'll give them each a smoky sex lesson tonight. I'll even let you watch." I pushed my penis past Penny's luscious lips and savored the warm wetness, as I paused a moment to let my clients absorb what I'd said.
    I continued, "If you men understand, sign these forms and pay me $12,000."
    I handed Kyle a pen, had his daughter light another cigarette, then stuffed my iron-hard rod into her from behind while her parents watched.