Home on Leave
Date: 2/16/2024,
Author: byBardadin
... that, as you probably figured out last night!"
Stoney looked uncomfortable. "Yeah, about last night..." he began, then hesitated. "I should have been more careful, and locked the door. I'm sorry you got such a show. I'm glad mom and dad didn't get there fast enough to see you. I don't know why they didn't go off on me last night, but I'm sure they'd have been pretty pissed if they knew I showed you what I did."
Nicole tilted her head, catching his eyes with her own. "You have nothing to be sorry for, big brother. I was looking for a show last night, and I got one... just not the one I was expecting. " When Stoney looked confused, she beckoned for him to follow her. "Come on, let me show you something."
She led him toward their parents' room. "What you don't know about me is that I'm a little sneak. I love to spy on people, and I'm not ashamed of it. I watch some of my friends, and they don't even know it, but it all started much closer to home. I've been watching mom and dad get it on since before you left for the Army. My nightly prowls make me feel all naughty and goose-pimply, and I get off on it. That is where I was headed when I happily found you taking care of yourself last night."
Stoney stopped following her, a stunned look on his face. Nicole reached out and took his hand, tugging him toward their parents' room. "Our parents are wild to watch. They dress up and play games, pretending to be other people for each other. The best thing is that I went ...
... through their drawers, and look what I found!"
As Nicole pulled Ann's bedside drawer open, Stoney whispered "You shouldn't do that! That's her private stuff!"
Nicole smiled. "Were you not listening? What part of 'I'm a naughty sneak' did you not get?" She started pulling items out of Ann's drawer and laying them out on the bed. Vibrators of various sizes and colors, some kind of harness that Stoney didn't understand, padded handcuffs, blindfolds, and what he knew from watching internet porn to be butt plugs. "You want to know why they weren't shocked to catch you jacking off last night? It's because for them, nothing could be more tame!"
"And there is more! Come look at this!" She led him to the other side of the bed, where she opened George's bottom drawer.
Stoney's ears were ringing. He was being hit with one surprise after another. Nicole wanted to watch him shower... she wasn't bothered by the previous night, she was turned on... his sister was a voyeur (he knew the term for her fetish, even if she didn't use it to describe herself)... his parents were sex freaks... what could be next? He couldn't imagine.
Nicole began pulling magazines out of George's bottom drawer, and laying them out in front of him on the bed. "They like to read stories out of these to each other, and then act them out. I watch them, through the door, like I did you, and they don't even know. But it drives me wild just listening, if they are facing the door, and I have to keep it ...