High School Nerd - Friday
Date: 2/15/2024,
Consensual Sex
Older Male / Female,
Oral Sex
Teen Male/Teen Female
Author: Piglet838
High School Nerd - Friday
The cafeteria is buzzing with chatter as I eat lunch with some of my cheer squad. Since the weekend begins tomorrow, I should be happy, but instead I feel bummed, and I can't quite lay my finger on the reason why. It's hard to get into the conversation, so I just listen as the other girls gossip about this and that.
From where I am sitting, I can see the school nerd, Henry, sitting and eating alone. That he is alone is not unusual. What is unusual is that he doesn't have a book open while he eats. Watching him, he seems a little melancholy himself. That is very unusual for him. He is usually a fount of optimism. He is messing with his food, not really eating it.
Henry is known as the school nerd. You see, Henry used to wear these ugly, ill fitting, coke bottle glasses. I have known him since he was a young boy and that is what I think of when I think of him. His glasses would slide down, making him hold his nose up in the air so that he can see through his glasses. He had to keep pushing his glasses up, nonstop. Kids are cruel, and he was made fun of, mercilessly. It made him self conscious and socially awkward. In response, he buried himself in his school work. But now Henry wears nice looking, well fitting glasses. And since the Lasik surgery, the lenses are much thinner and don't make him look so bug eyed. He is beginning to regain his confidence and poise socially. Still it is hard to shake the old image that we had of him ...
... and the way we made fun of him.
I'm feeling bad for the way I treated Henry on Tuesday. That might well be why I am feeling bummed. On Monday, I got him alone and we kissed. He is an excellent kisser, by the way. Then I gave him a blow job. I was thinking of trying to develop a relationship with him. Then I got to thinking about the social implications. My friends all think he is a dud and I know that if I am dating him, I will be ostracized. So on Tuesday, I broke it off with him. It was pretty abrupt, and it left Henry dazed and confused.
Since then I have been miserable. In cutting off Henry, I have not been true to myself. Thinking about it now, I should not care about what my friends think. If my friends look down on Henry, who has always treated me well, then they don't deserve my friendship. I can't deny that I am attracted to him. I miss his wit. I miss the little dimples when he smiles. I miss his sparkling blue eyes. I miss his help with my studies. In fact, I have missed everything about him. I guess if I'm honest with myself, I just want to go to him now.
Musing about Henry, I know what I must do. An apology is in order. At study period, I will go sit with him and try to repair our relationship. Maybe we can start over.
When I enter study hall 40 minutes later, I find Henry, sitting by himself, as usual. He is sitting with a book open and his head in his hands. "Hi, Henry," I say brightly and toss my backpack on a chair across from him. "May I join ...