1. High School Nerd - Monday

    Date: 2/15/2024, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Cum Swallowing Erotica Oral Sex Reluctance Teen Male/Teen Female Virginity Author: Piglet838

    High School Nerd - Monday
    Henry pulled me by the hand up the steep, narrow stairs. Our footsteps echo on the bare wooden stair treads. A few of them creak as we step on them. At the top, he stopped and produced an old fashioned skeleton key from his pocket. The lock clicked, and the door swung inward on squeaky hinges. We stepped into a cool, dark space that smells a little musty. It is completely dark and I cannot see a thing. There is a loud click of the old light switch, and a single bulb hanging from the vaulted ceiling, thrust a yellowish illumination around the room.
    Henry broke into my thoughts as I investigate the space. "I used to come up here to control the curtains and lighting during plays and events. The stage is immediately below us." Looking around the room, I see boxes with labels such as 'Costumes: Shakespear', 'Set fixtures: Robin Hood' and so on. Stacks of extra chairs and a few desks sit in one corner, and a cart with cleaning supplies. An old leather sofa sat near the wall and a small area rug in front of it.
    I took Henry, our high school's most notorious nerd, by the hand and led him to the sofa. I sat and pulled him down next to me, crossing my legs and tugging down my short skirt. He looked at me curiously. "Well, Jasmine, you said that you wanted to come someplace private to talk. This is the best place I could think of. Is this OK?"
    "This is just perfect, Henry." I said, turning slightly toward him, trying to figure out how to ...
    ... begin.
    A half hour ago, I sat in the school cafeteria with a few of my friends from the cheer squad. Talk turned to boys, and we talked about the ones that we would like to make out with. Most of them were the jock type, guys on the football or rugby team. I had my share of experiences with jocks, and they always left me wanting more. They are self centered and are mostly interested in bragging about themselves, showing how strong they are, showing off their little dicks, or emptying their balls. I didn't have much to say. Then talk turned to guys that they definitely did not want to make out with. They mentioned three or four guys, then someone mentioned Henry's name. Several of the other girls nodded in agreement. That's when I had to speak up.
    "Seriously?" I asked. "You don't like Henry?"
    The girls all tittered at that. Sandra, the girl that brought his name up initially, said "He's such a geek!" she said
    Linda added, "He's so shy. He would probably piss his pants if you tried to kiss him." They all giggled at that.
    Then Lacey said, "He looks like a dork! He wears those thick, Coke bottle glasses, and he will not even make eye contact when he talks to you. He probably has no idea how to kiss a girl."
    I was incensed, "He's sweet! At study period he helps me with my studies. When he explains things and forgets who he is talking to, he becomes poised and unselfconscious. He has a great sense of humor and makes me laugh. It's true, he could care less about ...