Perils of Adventure Ch.01 - Silke
Date: 2/13/2024,
Male Domination,
Males / Female,
Non-consensual sex
Author: AnonTheMouseKing
The day our heroines' collective fate began its drift towards the unthinkable was born much like any other. When the company awoke and broke camp it was under clear skies with the mighty sun just cresting over the Eastern horizon. As they set out the same gentle breeze that had whispered them to sleep the eve before still held sway, but that was to change within the hour. The first sign of trouble came when the distant horizon grew dark and hazy, an onrushing tempest casting a shadow over the land. From then it wasn't long before the winds began to build, slowly at first but rising ever faster. By midday the very air had been whipped into a frenzy and a seemingly boundless armada of ominous thunderheads grew closer by the minute.
Silke, the party's lightfingered thief, walked at the head of the company alongside their elf-blooded huntress Keire, the two girls typically entrusted at the vanguard as between them they could boast the sharpest eyes and ears in the party. Sharpest in this case referring to the sensitivity of their ears, of course, not the unusually pointy shape of the the huntress's. Silke, whose ears appeared perfectly normal for a human though they were quite sensitive as well, was having a particularly unpleasant time. Her choppy black hair was even wilder than normal, each and every gust rearranging it into a newer, madder pattern as the shivering young woman clutched her bare arms tight around her exposed midriff, a vain effort to stave off the wind's ...
... harsh bite.
After glancing once more towards the encroaching thunderheads, a move she had been repeating at an ever-increasing rate over the past hour, Silke finally turned towards her companion to voice those concerns they both surely shared. “How much farther is it to the next village, Keire?” Even with the scout just a few measly feet away, Silke had to raise her voice to be heard over the roaring gusts.
“I'm not sure,” the archer returned her companion's grim look as she too strained to be heard. “Two miles, maybe more.”
“We'll never make that in time,” the thief shouted back, an undeniable hint of dread creeping into her voice at the prospect of being caught out in the kind of torrent that was due to arrive any minute. From the expression on her face it was clear the archer wasn't keen on the prospect either. Silke hadn't gotten to know Keire quite as well as she had some of the other members of their party, her fellow scout wasn't exactly the most talkative of women, but spending a good chunk of each day walking out front together had given her enough experience to read her comrade's expressions at the least. Right then the huntress's face showed more than a little worry, and if the woman who had spent more time in the wilderness than all her comrades put together was concerned, well, Silke wasn't about to question her.
“No, we won't,” Keire agreed. “And it won't take a storm like that long to turn this track into a mudpit. Once that happens we might as well be ...