Stephanie Opens Up
Date: 2/11/2024,
Author: byAchtungNight, Source: Literotica
... Stephanie's parents did not question her further at the moment. I might tell them more about what happened, Stephanie thought, but I'm glad they're not pushing me. I'll wait and get my anger out, tell them what I must while I make up my mind what to do. There's one person whose advice I need, the wisest person I know. She'll be back home soon. Hopefully I will have most of my negative feelings out by then.
Three Days Later.
That weekend, Stephanie's thirteen months older sister Lisa, her only emotionally close sibling, came back from college for a brief visit between semesters. UT-Austin had started its classes at the same time as Rice, but Lisa made time to see her family before high school started the following week. Lisa was studying psychotherapy and was glad to practice it on Stephanie, who told her everything that had happened with Lily once they were alone in her room.
"She's called me twice and left messages of apology," Stephanie finished her summary. "I still haven't called her back. I did call Simon- he confirmed everything, said he wanted Lily to tell me about them first, made some other excuses. We're... we're on a break right now."
Lisa Coleman, a curvy redhead with dark blue eyes, adjusted her reading glasses and penciled words on her notepad. She thought about a response, then spoke. "Shit, Steph," she then said, using an exaggerated Deep South accent to cover her stammer. "I... I'm shocked."
"So am I," Stephanie agreed. "It's not the ...
... incest, that's not a big deal, whatever, long as they're consenting adults. It's that they took so long to tell me. And then they pushed so much on me so fast!"
Lisa grimaced. She didn't want to invalidate Stephanie's feelings, but... Everyone has good reasons for acting as they did in this situation, she reminded herself, if I'm assessing it right. I have only heard Stephanie's side, but given what I know of Simon and Lily... I hope I'm correct. And that I can help my sister straighten things out with them.
"Have Mom and Dad talked to you more about things?" she asked. "Or Aunt Darcy?"
"Some." Stephanie shrugged. "I only gave them the briefest details. I said Lily told me Simon was cheating on me with someone, that we're on a break now. I left out exactly who he was cheating on me with. They might suspect, but they haven't said for sure."
Thank goodness our parents are respectful forgiving people, Lisa thought. Also good that they recognize us as both adults and people who need to make and learn from mistakes in order to grow. And that we're capable of the latter act of course. They've always let us keep our own counsel too. And they live on the second floor of this house same as Aunt Darcy and our little brother, so they probably won't be disturbing us any time soon.
She scrawled a few more notes, organizing her thoughts, then looked at Stephanie. "I'm going to be my usual sounding board here. Have you calmed down from this? Thought about what you want to ...