Farewell Lunch Chapter 5
Date: 2/9/2024,
True Story
Consensual Sex
Author: strywriter
Chapter 5
Round 3
She awoke to Mark sucking on her right boob, which certainly felt good, and soon they were once again frantically fucking in the doggy position, then the missionary and finally Mark put her on her side with her butt towards the side of the bed and finished in her that way! He stepped back and all but fell into a chair. “Damn, you are a hot woman!”
“Me, what about you mister three times in an afternoon!” And more orgasms than I can count or have ever had before!” “Wow!” I could get used to this sort of loving!
She lay there awhile when suddenly she wondered just how long they had been fucking and she turned and looked at the clock on the night stand. “Holy shit, it’s 6:30, I have got to go.” She jumped up and hurried into the bathroom, where she removed her panties from her purse and slipped them on, threw her dress over her head and hooked it at the neck and looked in the mirror! God, I look like I have been fucking all day she thought to herself. She ran her fingers through her hair and that only made things worse.
She grabbed her bra and left the bathroom looking for her shoes. She found them by the bed and stopping to put them on she said, “good god, I look like hell but I have to go.
“I don’t think so, said Mark, I see an incredibly beautiful women who looks natural and beautiful.”
“Ahh, you’re sweet, but I look more like an overworked hooker than an office professional?” “God, you must think me a total slut, to ask you to fuck me ...
... and then run home to my husband, she said looking at Mark.”
Mark laughed and said, “well maybe, but I love sluts, especially beautiful ones like you with your talents.”
Diana laughed, you’re too kind but flattery isn’t going to get you any more today, I’m all fucked out and late.
He came over and put his arms around her and whispered "you were fantastic and I really enjoyed our lunch.”
She laughed and said, “you’re not so bad yourself mister and I can honestly say this was the best lunch I have ever had!” He took her face in his hands and kissed long and deep. “Thank you,” he said when they parted.
“Wow, Diana said, good thing you saved that until now or I’d have fucked you in the restaurant, but I really do have to run, John is home and expecting me.”
“What are you going to tell him?”
“I don’t know just yet, but I’ll think of something, bye.”
Diana pulled into the driveway and turned off the engine. How was she going to break this to John, or should she even say anything right now? What to do? I’ll play it by ear and see what happens. After all, John said I should live out a fantasy every now and again and its ok as long as I don’t keep secretes or fall in love and I haven’t fallen in love with Mark, although I might be in love with his cock.
She headed in to the house. It was almost seven and John had cooked dinner but it sat on the stove getting cold. “Well, there you are, dinner’s probably pretty bad now, I expected you an hour ago.” “What happen, ...