Jodie's Slaves Part Six
Date: 2/8/2024,
Author: barbarabadgirl
Chapter 14
Birth of Babydomme, Taming Tess, Unlikely pair, No way out
We left the sponge tied to the pulley with her toes just about on the floor, blindfolded and gagged, she hung there, awaiting our pleasure. It was kind of exciting. We had kidnapped someone! And not just anyone, that fucking cunt who hurt Jodi!
I had done a lot of the heavy work and Mom was still trashed from her last treatment so Jodi made lunch. She chose a very strange meal. Tuna Fish sandwiches, mixed fruit cups and chocolate milk. It was a kids lunch, for sure. We enjoyed it anyway. I am sure Mom felt as I did that it must be sort of comforting to Jodi. She never got to eat food like this as a kid.
Then she showed us the real reason she had made such an odd assortment. One whole sandwich, a fruit cup, and a glass of chocolate milk were tipped into the blender and blended smooth. Oh, God! That had to be the most disgusting tasting thing! She poured it into a large plastic cup and held it up triumphantly.
“For the sponge,” she announced, “She cannot say we are starving her. It is the exact same food we just ate.”
I was totally grossed out, but Mom just smiled and nodded at Jodi.
“Penny, let me take it out to her,” she asked. Mom was acting weird! I don’t know why she was calling Jodi Penny, but she was acting more Mom than sub, “I have a few words to say to the sponge that may make things easier for you later.”
Jodi put the cup down and took Mom in her arms, fondling ...
... her breasts gently and kissing her.
“Thanks, Mom,” she said. Mom took the cup and headed out to the barn. I looked at Jodi, who shrugged.
“Barb and I had a talk once. She said I was like a shiny new penny found in the gutter. I think sometimes we are going to need an actual grownup in charge. I think Barb thinks so, too. It looks like Penny is her way of asking to be Mom again for a while,” she explained.
“Wow. Mom is like, super-smart,” I said, “Sometimes late at night I started to get a little worried, you know? But Mom can still be Mom when it’s important.”
“Yes…” Jodi replied quietly. She looked strange.
“What’s wrong? I thought you would be over the moon!” I asked.
“I’s just...well, I didn’t expect so much support from Barb...or you, really. I don’t know…”
God! She looked so lost! I ran around the table and hugged her.
“Jodi! Duh! We want that cruel bitch punished just as much as you! She hurt you, Jodi! We are glad to help you get your revenge!” I insisted.
“But...I hurt your Mom,” she objected.
“Yeah, but she kind of likes it. I mean she doesn’t like it, but she does! I mean she needs it and we gave it to her. And she is a grown woman. She had resources. She could have gone to the police, despite the scandal. Hell, we’re well off! She could have hired a hitman to take you out. You were just a little kid. It’s different.”
Jodi stared at me like I was insane and started laughing.
“A hit man?” she asked, “Can you see your Mom ...