1. Carrvale Cougar Club Ch. 02

    Date: 2/7/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byFrederick Carol

    Next morning I woke only about a minute before the alarm was due to sound, so quickly switched it off. I glanced across at Matt. Sound asleep, so I eased myself out of bed and tiptoed into my bathroom. Having showered the night before, I contented myself with a quick wash, then dressed quietly in my office clothes, a light summer dress in muted autumnal shades, and made my way quietly downstairs, leaving a sleeping Matt behind me. Breakfast was cereal and toast, quickly prepared, quickly eaten. I poured a mug of coffee for Matt and took it upstairs. He was awake, but a look of disappointment crossed his face when he saw me clothed.
    I put his coffee down on the bedside cabinet and bent to give him a quick kiss. "Sorry, honey, but I need to get going."
    "Okay, Mom, I understand. Tonight?"
    "Tonight? Well, tonight we'll fuck again, and this time we'll have time to play, to experiment. Not only that, but I should have my new diaphragm so you can fuck me bareback." I grinned as his face brightened. "Be thinking about what you'd like to do tonight," I added. "For now, though, honey, I'll say goodbye. See you tonight." And I was away.
    For a change, there was space in the parking lot nearest the office, so it was only a fifty yard stroll until I was entering the premises of the Hatton and Kay legal practice, where I work as a paralegal-cum-office manager. As usual, Jack Hatton was there before me and gave me a cheerful 'morning, Liz' as I went in.
    "Morning, Jack. ...
    ... While I remember, is it okay if I finish early this afternoon?"
    "Sure. We must owe you a couple of hours anyway, so no need to make it up, either."
    "Thanks, Jack, I appreciate it." I made my way into my office, less than half the size of Jack Hatton's, but then I wasn't the one who had to interview the clients. I checked my schedule for the day. Nothing urgent or critical, so it should be an easy day.
    And that's the way it turned out, although I was slightly surprised to get a mid-morning text message from Jane Wiest, who worked a couple of blocks away.
    'Liz,' I read,'can we have lunch together. I need some advice. 12.30 at Toni's?'
    We did sometimes have lunch together, so I texted assent back to her and carried on with my work. At 12.20, I put on my light summer jacket, grabbed my purse, and headed for the door, pausing only to tell my assistant, Jenny, that I'd be back in an hour. Then it was off to Toni's, just on the next block, where Jane was waiting outside.
    She hugged me, then looked around. "Can we just get a coffee to go, and a Danish, and sit over there?" she said. 'Over there' was a little park, with a few benches and a little play area, usually occupied by a few pre-schoolers and their moms.
    "Sure," I said. "I think it's my turn to pay."
    "I'm paying," said Jane, "I'm the one who wants advice, and good advice doesn't come free."
    "Okay," I said, laughing, "what are we having?"
    Ten minutes later we were sitting on one of the benches in the ...