1. From friends to lovers…to siblings

    Date: 2/4/2024, Categories: True Story Blowjob Cheating Incest Pregnant, Romance Author: JohnnyNTiff

    ... crushed so I decided to just go for it.
    "Can we get together and chat sometime? Maybe coffee? We need to at least talk"
    She hesitated a moment and then finally replied. It looked like she might might cry, but her voice didn't waver. "Sure. I'll text you when I'm free". And then she walked away.
    I got home and my mind was racing. A little while later I got a text from her. My heart started racing and I had to prepare myself before I could even look at it.
    "I wish I could say it was nice seeing you today but honestly it tore me apart. I love you more than you know and it's been killing me not to be able to see you. I would give anything to be able to go back to that week in Vegas before we knew everything. But I'm your fucking sister! It's so wrong what happened! That's why I don't think I can meet up with you again. I'm sorry."
    My head was swirling. I was disappointed, but also hopeful. She felt the same way, so I replied and hoped it would persuade her. I told her that it doesn't matter what our DNA says, we didn't grow up together and didn't have that type of relationship. Who cares about all of that, plus a few other things. It worked, because after going back and forth a few times, she agreed to meet me. We set up a time and 2 days later, we met at a coffee shop.
    It was rough at first. I could tell she was fighting back tears for a while at first. At one point she couldn't hold them back, but by the end, we were chatting like old friends and she actually ...
    ... was laughing along with me. When we parted ways, she hugged me and said she'd get ahold of me again and maybe we could get the families together.
    I didn't hear from her for about a week, then she messaged me and asked if I wanted to go for a walk. I met her at a trail by the river and we walked and talked. After a while, we came to a spot where there were some rocks we could sit on by the river and she said she could use a break, so we sat down next to each other and chatted. It was nice. There were no people around, it was just the two of us and the river. After a while, we stopped talking and just sat there, looking out over the water. I looked over at her. She was the most beautiful thing I had seen in a long time and she seemed so happy and at peace. Then she turned and we locked eyes. My heart started racing and after a few seconds she looked away but I could see a smile spread across her face. I looked away and we sat there a moment longer.
    After a moment, I said fuck it. I slid next to her and put my arm around her. I could tell she was trying to figure out how to respond. The anticipation was killing me, but finally she rested her head on my shoulder. We sat like that a while longer, then she whispered, barely audibly "we should probably get going".
    "Ok" I replied.
    I straightened up a little and she lifted her head. Instead of getting up though, she just looked at me. Finally, I leaned in and kissed her. Thankfully, she started to kiss me back. She opened ...