Know Me
Date: 2/4/2024,
True Story
Author: Limnophile
... Daddy walked out of the bathroom. Mommy was crying and spit in the toilet, then threw up. Daddy said, "That was great, honey! Thank you!" He put on his shoes, then went to work as Mommy sat on the bathroom floor making bad faces. Mommy gargled with mouthwash and smelled all minty. It wasn't Sunday, but she told me we had to go to church. It wasn't like all the other times I'd been to church. There were only two old ladies praying in the front, and a priest. Mommy told me, "I have to go do confession. Sit here and be quiet. I'll be back soon." It seemed to take a long time and was so boring! But on the way home I got ICE CREAM!
A few days later Mommy came home with a new kind of drink, in a blue glass bottle. She poured some in a cup and took a sip. She coughed a little and swallowed it. I asked her if I could try some. She said it was gin, a grown-up drink, but a little taste wouldn't hurt. I took a small sip and it stung my mouth like crazy! It burned my mouth and my throat, and it even tickled my nose! It tasted really bad, like medicine. I hated it and quickly drank a big glass of water.
Mommy took another sip, then mixed it with a soda. I couldn't understand how she liked it. Mommy started having gin and soda with dinner, then her and Daddy would go in their bedroom for a little while. Daddy would come out smiling a lot. Mommy would come out sad and wipe her mouth but would be fine after she had some more gin. She started taking me to church three times a week. I ...
... complained that it was boring, and she got me crayons and a coloring book. I was glad Mommy and Daddy didn't fight much anymore.
A week after I turned five, the house smelled bad and there was a haze in the air. As I walked from my room to the kitchen the smell got worse. Mommy sat at the kitchen table with her friend Linda, drinking gin and soda. Linda said, "I know! My husband Ron hangs out with naggas and their horse all the time, too. He says he likes their music! How can he! It's terrible, the devil's music!"
Mommy blew out a stream of smoke. I wondered if her insides were on fire, 'cause the gin burned so bad? She didn’t seem upset, so I guessed she was ok. Linda sucked on a stinky white stick and blew out smoke too. She smelled bad from the smoke and complained a lot, but I liked how her feet looked in her dark nylons. I sat under the table, looking at her feet and playing with my toy cars.
Mommy said, "I quit when I got pregnant with Kim. I almost forgot how much I like these. Thanks!" She sucked on her stink stick. It smelled bad and I didn't want to listen to them complaining anymore, so I went outside to play.
I rode my trike up and down the sidewalk and met my new best friend, Jamal. He and his friend Shawna played with me most of the day. We took turns riding my trike and chasing each other, playing hide and seek, and playing in the sandbox. We had a great time.
The next day Jamal brought over his toy guitar. We tried to dance like Chubby Checker and ...