Precious Purchase - chapter 1
Date: 2/3/2024,
Male / Female Teens,
Author: Limnophile
The city clerk looked up from his computer and said, “Yes, ID valid. She born that day.” He pointed to the date on the card. “Eighteen year, two month old.”
I was nearing thirty-five myself but threw my hands skyward and gleefully bounced up and down. “YES! YES! Thank you!”
Dozens of people stared at the big silly American making a fool of himself, as I blushed and meekly suppressed my joy. Unlike the weather outside, the brief embarrassment did little to dampen my spirits.
I’d just finished a long work assignment in Southeast Asia and returned to my hotel. I took out my laptop and eagerly tried booking a flight home. I sighed in disappointment. All planes were grounded for at least two days because of the monsoon weather. I walked to the bathroom and splashed some water in my face. When I glanced in the mirror I remembered my strawberry-blonde hair and size were quite unusual, especially on a steamy tropical island a few hundred miles from Java. It was a city of half a million people, but I seriously doubted there was another man with blue eyes, or anyone else six and a half feet tall.
I was beyond tired of the rain and sultry heat every day! I glanced at the city website, which showed it was already 32 Celsius outside. I grumbled to myself, “It’s raining again, 90 Fahrenheit, and only noon! It feels like I’ve been taking a hot shower for three months! At least the place a few blocks down has good food and AC. I can’t wait to ...
... get out of here!”
Since it was a lower class neighborhood, I made sure to hide my laptop under the mattress and lock the door before I left for lunch. On the way, I noticed a very cute female standing in a doorway next to a larger and older one. I couldn’t quite place their ancestry. I thought they might be Indonesian or Thai, possibly both.
Since the majority of their ribs were easily visible, I knew the pair together weighed less than I did. The smaller girl opened a banana and licked it, which began a swelling in my shorts as I imagined getting a blowjob. Her waist-long hair was shiny black and her eyes were dark brown, like nearly all the locals.
I was also struck by the other’s obviously dyed red hair. From her skin tone and facial features, I knew her blue eyes must be from colored contact lenses. I could see the shape and color of their nipples and areolas through their damp white off-shoulder tops. Despite their diminutive size, both had fully developed boobs the size of halved coconuts. I was quite pleased they looked firm and didn’t droop at all, even without bras.
They were obviously whores; with their red lipstick, red high heels, and tiny red miniskirts. Prostitution was technically illegal in the area, but the fine only cost the price of a decent meal. The redhead exhaled a thin stream of smoke toward my waist, then took a final puff from her cigarette before tossing it in a puddle. I might say she was the larger of the two, but ‘less tiny’ would be ...