Natural Forces Ch. 01
Date: 2/1/2024,
Author: byAussieGuyBNE, Source: Literotica
... of bed again? This wasn't my room. Where in the hell was I? And why did my head hurt so much? Slowly, I began to recognise where I was. I was in Trish's room. On the floor. How did I get there? What the fuck was going on? Trish was kneeling on her bed peering down at me on the ground. She looked a bit dishevelled and concerned. What had just happened?
"Dad!" she cried, "Dad! Are you OK? I'm sorry, I had to..."
"What?" I stammered, trying to get up. "Oh, my head!" I fell back down; the pain was palpable.
"Dad," Trish said more calmly, but obviously concerned, "Dad, you were sleepwalking."
"Oh, fuck," I said. "Trish, I'm sorry. I can't control it..."
The whole family knew that I had a long, difficult history with sleep and sleepwalking from a very young age. I'd often gotten up at night, totally unconscious and wandered around the house, sometimes performing tasks and even talking as if wide awake only to be in reality, totally asleep. It had become part of family folklore.
"It's OK, Dad," Trish said.
"I'm naked," I cried when I realised. At least my cock wasn't very hard. I tried to cover myself up but my head still throbbed with pain.
"Yes, you are," Trish said drily. "And that's not all."
"Oh, what else?" I asked frightened of most possible answers. "What did I do?"
Trish threw down her knickers. I picked them up and examined them. They had been cut through at the sides.
"I don't understand?" I said truly puzzled.
"You cut them off me, ...
... stripped me, Dad, in your sleep," Trish said. "You were sleepwalking. Then you started to rape me. You were sleepraping me."
"What?!" I cried. "No! Oh, Trish! That's impossible! Shit! I am so sorry!" I was sobbing.
"I didn't know it was you straight away, Dad," she explained calmly, "so I head-butted you off me in self-defence. Sorry. I hope it doesn't hurt too much."
"Trish," I searched for words to express my complicated mix of emotion. I slowly struggled from the floor onto my knees. I made it to the bed and sat next to my beautiful daughter. My head hurt. I could see the beautiful curves of Trish's naked arse. She was still wearing her camisole top.
"Given your sleepwalking adventures over the years, Dad," Trish continued, "and your sex drive, I guess something like this was bound to happen."
She laughed. I wasn't so sure it was funny yet.
"Uh, Trish," I asked delicately, "did I actually, um, you know, my cock, was it..., ah, did I...?"
"Yes, you did," she replied, but without any trace of anger or resentment.
"I, um, didn't hurt you did, I?" I asked genuinely concerned. "I couldn't live with myself if I did."
"No, you didn't hurt me," Trish replied. "I think I hurt you though," she said with a smile and kissed my sore head. "To be honest, when I realised it was you, Dad, it was kind of..., exciting."
I wasn't sure what to make of that.
"Anyway," she said ironically, "you're awake now, not sleepwalking." She gave me a warm hug.
"I'm sorry, ...