1. Mind Controlled Janice Pt. 106

    Date: 1/31/2024, Categories: True Story Anal Exhibitionism Humiliation Mind Control, Reluctance Written by women Author: janicegoodall

    ... me!" She spread her legs wantonly, wriggling to get him into position. He slid inside her pussy she needed Ginger to fuck her, her pussy was soaking wet
    At his first thrust she came, a tingling rush from her groin up her spine now all that mattered was coming, and it happened several times over the next hour as the two of them breathlessly fucked She moaned and he grunted with the effort and pleasure, Janice cried out each time she climaxed the gap between climaxes often only seconds apart each one shaking the muscles of her pussy. She did what ever he bid. She was drenched with sweat and her own pussy juices. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, climaxing over and over.
    Then it was over, “still” Ginger commanded. Her body froze. They were both panting heavily and flushed with the sex. They were both laid on the carpet.
    Ginger got up and looked at her heaving body. He looked at her eyes, they were dull, he knew he was closing to cracking her mind with the enormity of what he was doing to her.
    It was too soon so he left her laying on the floor for several minutes recovering.
    Janice laid on her back could see Ginger stood over her smiling into her eyes. He did not saying anything but a instruction appeared in her mind.
    Janice found she could talk in a low voice, “No please don’t make me go walk outside naked all the neighbours would see me!”
    Ginger continued smiling at her.
    “Oh no please don’t, please don’t make me.” She was begging him as she stood ...
    ... up and walked to the front door.” Her mind had recovered enough to be appalled by the thought of her neighbours seeing her. “No, no, no, no..” she kept saying as she opened the door and stepped outside.
    It was warm out, Janice was so aware of her nakedness, her bare breasts, buttocks and pussy all on show so that anyone could see her. She reached the end of her footpath stepped out and into the street her body turned her to the left walking down the street.
    She wanted to folder her arms across her body to hide that she was naked but they just hung at her side.
    A car drove past her she could see it swerve as the driver stared at her. Janice’s face flushed with embarrassment.
    She walked slowly still trying to battle with her body to turn around and go back. Thankfully the street was quiet.
    She walked past two houses the pavement warm under her bare feet and then flushed and groaned, outside the third house Shaun’s mother was about to get in her car, then even worse Shaun himself was there. She did not like Shaun he was a teenage brat and he did not like her.
    Shaun’s mother did not say anything but smiled widely at her.
    Shaun though stepped out in front of her forcing her to stop. He was grinning at her he looked her up and down.
    Janice was cringing inside she wanted to turn and run.
    Still grinning he stepped to one side and Janice started walking slowly down the street.
    As she walk Janice counted the house numbers at each one hoping she would turn ...