Please Spank Me, Sir
Date: 1/29/2024,
Author: zenmackie
She called me up out of the blue, and I can’t imagine how much courage that must have taken. She stuttered a bit at first and seemed to have some trouble breathing normally as she told me that her name was Laurie and that she’d gotten my number from my ex, Raine, with whom she had become friends at work.
Raine and I hadn’t broken up so much as we’d just drifted apart over time, and we were still on good terms, so this seemed legitimate, if unexpected. I said okay, nice to meet you and so forth. Then there was a long silence. I could hear her ragged breathing and was about to ask if there was anything I could do for her when she suddenly hung up.
I thought,
that was weird.
I started to put my phone away but then it rang again. I answered, “Hello?”
More breathing. I said, “Laurie? Are you okay?”
She hung up again.
This time I just waited. It took a little longer but after a minute or so my phone rang again and I answered but didn’t say anything. After a moment she spoke, her voice quavering and barely above a whisper. “I’m…I’m sorry.” Another pause. “Um… Raine said that you…th-that you… God, this is so hard!”
I had no idea what was going on, but I said, “It’s okay, take your time.”
There was another long silence and I thought she was going to hang up again, but finally she spoke. “I’m sorry. God, you must think I’m some kind of weirdo.” I started to reassure her but she went on. “Okay, look, I…was wondering…if I, um…I could talk to you about ...
... something.” I said, sure, go ahead but almost before I could finish the sentence she burst out with a sharp “No!” Then she recovered herself and went on, “I mean, not on the phone. C-could we maybe…meet somewhere?” Her voice was practically a squeak by this point.
I was feeling extremely dubious about this entire situation but then I figured that Raine had given her my number for a reason so I replied as if I had this kind of conversation all the time. “Sure, okay. Um… How about the park? Would that work for you?”
I heard her draw another long breath, then she replied, her voice having dropped to a whisper once more, “Okay.”
We agreed to meet at the park entrance that evening. She said that Raine had shown her a picture of me so she would recognize me. I said okay and we both rang off.
Curiouser and curiouser. I thought about calling Raine to get some kind of handle on all this but decided to just see how it played out first. Besides, I thought that maybe I had an inkling of what was going on.
It was a late-summer evening and the sun was almost touching the horizon when I arrived at the park entrance, wondering if Laurie was going to show up or, if she did, whether she would have the nerve to speak to me. I had my doubts.
But then I noticed someone waving at me in an extremely tentative fashion, hand at her shoulder and barely moving, a terrified expression on her face as if she was going to turn and run at any moment - as I half expected her to do. But she ...