1. Bee's Story, My Story Ch. 13

    Date: 1/29/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: bytlvanitycard

    ... Afterward he offered to do the dishes so I could continue to take it easy. I took him up on it and played a little CTR for the event that's going on and played some music over the built in Spotify. When he was finished, he came and sat next to me, and I quit the game, letting the music play over the PS4 menu.
    I leaned over against him and thanked him for trying so hard to be helpful over the past few days.
    "No problem! I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Is there anything else I can help you with?" He asked. I don't think he was purposefully leading me, but he did seem pleased when I mentioned that he could have some milk now if he wanted. I grabbed the pillow and placed it in my lap, then shucked my top. He paused as we both watched my nipples come to attention, the way they do when the milk is ready to release. The way my nipples get hard and then almost expand slightly, and my areolae distend, puffing out a little bit. I was about to let him know how much I was aching when he finally latched on and started to drink.
    I closed my eyes and let myself relax. It felt good, the release, the sensation of the milk rushing through me. I felt a stirring between my legs, but it was easy enough to ignore for now, and he seemed to make a point of not trying to tease me or purposefully make me cum tonight. I knew he was hard, but I figured it wasn't the best night to heat things up like that, plus I still intended to talk before risking escalating anything. Instead, ...
    ... I just gently played with his hair, and hummed along to the music, occasionally singing softly. I felt at peace to be honest. One with my femininity as I nurtured a loved one, and warm with the satisfaction it brought me emotionally and physically. I could have stayed like that forever letting him lazily draw from my breasts. But eventually he did exhaust my reserves, and I turned in early, now sleepy from the calm that had washed over me.
    Saturday, August 10th 2019
    I woke up today resolute in my intention to talk with him. I actually was up before him, and managed to shower, put on a shirt and hoodie, as well as leggings, and I made myself a few eggs while watching some of my shows that I'd fallen behind on. I was thinking about what I wanted to say, and became more and more nervous about it the longer he slept in. And then as if purposefully torturing me, when he finally did emerge from his room, he immediately went to his bathroom and jumped in the shower, leaving me to wait even longer to get this over with. But eventually he did come join me in the living room. He said "Good morning" despite the fact that it was almost 12:30, and sat next to me, getting comfortable while I fucked around in Sunset Overdrive. Eventually I quit the game and had the foresight to do something very different. I figured this could turn into a big conversation that would be difficult to remember completely or attempt to paraphrase, so I started ...