1. Teacher - 18 Day 5 – Another Morning walk

    Date: 1/28/2024, Categories: Fiction Authoritarian, Exhibitionism Female/Female Humiliation Incest Masturbation Author: DBSKR123

    ... nothing more. He tried to raise the upper bar and it would not move. “Robin, you are now locked in for five minutes.” He walked around her and flipped up the back of her skirt. “Hey now you are fully exposed back here.”
    “Pat, please flip it down.” She tried to wiggle her ass to make it fall back into place, but he tucked the back hem into the waist band like the front was and the material was not going to move. He ran his hand up and down between her legs. “Stop that!” she said.
    “Make me.”
    Adam looked at the height adjustment. There was a little remote with a cord attached. He pressed the up button and soon Robin was standing up with her head tipped forward. “It looks like it could go higher but I don’t want to leave you hanging literally.”
    “Thank you, Adam. This is kind of uncomfortable at this point. At this angle and height, I have to strain my neck forward.”
    “There is a second button here.” he tried it. “It tips the locking part. I can go higher now.” Soon Robin was standing up strait looking forward. The locking part was parallel to the ground. “How does that feel?”
    “It is fine. Strange being restrained like this out near the street.”
    “Let’s see how low it goes.” He pressed the down button and it slowly lowered. He adjusted the tilt button as he went so that it was not too hard on Robin’s neck. It stopped when the bottom of the cross bar was an inch off the ground. Robin had had to get onto her knees as it went down so far.
    “Wow, your ass is ...
    ... really sticking up in the air like this. I like this model.” Pat said. He was finger fucking his wife with one hand. “I think it is a sexy as hell. We are definitely getting one like this for our yard.”
    “Who would you put in it? I don’t think I would like to be in it for too long.”
    “You would be fine. Besides, if you don’t break any of the rules at home you have nothing to worry about. Hell for all I know the first one could be Brad.”
    “Now that might be fun!” Robin said.
    Allen said. “I think we should get one too. We can have matching models. If we both have one, with someone in it, they could talk to each other across the street. They could pass the time that way.”
    “Allen, no! That is an awful idea.”
    “Laura, you think a lot of my ideas lately are awful, but once you try them you get turned on by them.” He ran a hand up and down her pussy. “See, you are damp. You are getting turned on by looking at Robin in it. Are you thinking about how it would feel if you were in it?”
    “NO! I don’t want one for our yard.”
    There was an audible click. Pat raised the upper bar and Robin crawled out. Adam raised the bar to the position it had been in when they first found it.
    Pat said, “You know, the way it goes so high and low, I bet you could even put someone’s feet in the frame and hang them upside down by their feet.”
    “THAT is horrible! I would not like to have my feet spread with my puss up in the air like that!” Laura said.
    “Mom, you are not the only one that ...