The Party...with my little sister
Date: 1/28/2024,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
Female / Girl,
Group Sex
Male/Teen Female
Oral Sex
Water Sports/Pissing,
Author: ldtexas
The Party…with my little sister
By ldtexas
"You going out Jake?" My sister asked as she watched me shaving.
"Yup, going to a party." I replied.
"But momma said you were supposed to stay home this weekend and watch out for me!" Josie whimpered.
"Well, I think you'll be alright home alone for a few hours, little girl."
"I'm NOT a little girl, I'm 18 and a grown woman!" Josie shouted.
"You sound like a little girl to me." I said calmly, as I manipulated my face, dragging the electric razor across my chin.
"I am not a little girl! Do little girls have tits like these?" Josie exclaimed, lifting her shirt, flashing me her bare tits for a second before covering them back up.
"Those are nice, but that's not all there is to being a grown woman, little girl."
"What, you mean a pussy? I've got one of those too!" And she pulled her panties down, showing me her pussy with a cute little tuft of hair at the top, then pulled them back up.
"That's nice too, but that's not what I mean. You have to start acting like a grown woman, not whining like a little girl."
Josie just stood there fuming as I finished shaving my face.
"I need you to step out for a minute while I finish shaving."
"You just finished shaving, didn't you?" Josie asked with a confused look.
"No, I need to shave my cock and balls."
"You shave down there?" Josie asked, now with a wide eyed look on her face.
"Yes, now are you going to leave while I do it or not?"
She didn't ...
... move so I just shrugged my shoulders and pushed my underwear down and stepped out of them, standing naked in front of my little sister. Josie looked shocked but still didn't budge. I took my electric razor and clicked it back on and started running it over my groin, taking the stubble away, then ran it over my balls, up and down my cock until it was all smooth. Then I moved over and sat on the toilet seat and brought my feet up and set them on the side of the bathtub while I ran the razor under my balls and down between my ass cheeks. The whole time, Josie just stared at my bare cock, her mouth hanging open.
"Enjoy the show?" I asked as I stood up and stepped into the shower, turning it on and stepping into the spray. I turned to look at Josie and she was gone, the door to the bathroom still standing open. I pulled the shower curtain closed and continued my shower. As I soaped up my cock I stroked it, getting it hard, and continued to jerk off. Just as I started shooting cum against the shower wall, I saw Josie through the clear curtain, standing in the door watching me. I closed my eyes as the ecstasy of cumming washed over me. When I finally opened my eyes, Josie was gone.
A few minutes later I was standing in my room drying off with my towel when Josie walked in. I dropped my towel on the bed and stood naked facing her. "What now?" I asked.
Josie fidgeted, shifting from foot to foot, looking at the floor, "I want to go to the party with you."
"No, I don't think ...