1. Alice Ch. 04 - Nouveau Riche

    Date: 1/22/2024, Categories: Mature Author: byAPastLife, Source: Literotica

    Edited by Phil Anderer, with careful consideration and lots of patience.
    Alice woke up early the next morning, sunlight streaming through the window, reminding her she had forgotten to close the curtains. Despite this, she had slept deeply and felt well-rested.
    The previous night had ended cozily, with her and Frank cuddling on the couch until she drifted off. Frank had gently woken her with a kiss on the forehead, suggesting she move to her bed. Staggering down the hall, she had tumbled into her bed and slept soundly.
    Throwing on her robe, she walked into the living room, half-expecting to see Frank with his coffee and newspaper. He wasn't there; it was still too early.
    She stood on the balcony, lost in thought about the whirlwind of the past few days. Her life had transformed -- she was now living in a penthouse apartment, one of the fanciest in town, with new clothes, a new hairstyle, and essentially, a new life. Frank didn't seem eager to send her away. In fact, he seemed keen on her developing skills to become his assistant. She had resolved the day before to do everything within her power to impress Frank and prove she was worthy of his generosity.
    Returning inside, Alice wandered around the living room. She hadn't had a chance to explore properly since her arrival. The main part of Frank's apartment was an expansive open space, with a huge horseshoe-shaped couch covered in brushed suede dominating the area. One wall was adorned with a bookshelf ...
    ... filled from floor to ceiling. Alice didn't recognize any of the book titles, which wasn't surprising as she hadn't been an avid reader. In school, she enjoyed reading age-appropriate books provided by the school, usually filled with stories about children her age. The only author she was familiar with was Judy Blume, whose books she found more realistic than others available to her.
    A sudden thought struck her, and she scanned the room for pictures. Surprisingly, there were none. She had hoped to catch a glimpse of a younger Frank or gain some insight into his past. The apartment, while meticulously decorated, had no framed pictures anywhere. She contemplated asking Frank about this.
    On the coffee table lay a large book, filled with magazine-like advertisements. Recognizing some high-end perfume and jewelry brands, Alice admired the beautiful pictures. The ads, mostly featuring items no longer sold, looked like they were from the 1970s or 1980s.
    "Like them?" Frank's voice startled her from behind.
    "Good morning, Frank," she replied, not looking up immediately.
    "My life's work," Frank continued.
    "You took these pictures?" Alice asked, finally looking up.
    "Oh no," Frank smiled, "I created them."
    Frank then tried to explain the world of marketing and advertising to Alice. The basics made sense, but she soon found herself lost in the details.
    They had a simple breakfast of toast and coffee and Frank mentioned they had a busy day ahead. Alice wasn't sure ...