Moving in with Mother-in-law Ch. 01
Date: 1/21/2024,
Author: byKordellian
... started heading home, it was right in the middle of rush hour, so I called up Mary and let her know it will be awhile. I sat in the stop and go traffic for what seems like hours, and as I sat there, I started to realize that the 2 afternoon coffees were not a good idea, and the more I think about having to pee, the worse it got. I finally get home and fast walk to the one and only bathroom and the door is closed.
Mary says, "Mom is in the bath."
"I have had to pee for the past hour!" I exclaimed, ready to burst. I was good at holding it, but now that I am this close to release, it feels like I might just go in my pants if I don't peerightnow.
"Just go in," Mary said, rolling her eyes like I am the idiot here.
"Ugh, I'll just pee by the bush out back," I retort as I start towards the back door.
"Don't be silly. Mom, Kord has to pee!"
"OK!" she replied through the door.
I rushed in, Brandi is sitting in the bath again, and I went straight for the toilet, unzipping and extracting my penis and started to lift the seat.
"Sorry...I just really had to..." I started apologizing for intruding on her bath time.
"Don't you splash your pee on my toilet, now! I just cleaned all around there!" Brandi scolded me.
"Sit down and don't splash your pee on my toilet!" Brandi repeated, almost commanding me.
Uh, I didn't care, I just wanted to pee, so I dropped the seat back down, unbuckled my belt, and dropped my pants to my ankles and sat down. I ...
... started peeing immediately, and oh man did it feel good. I was facing Brandi now, and she splashed some water over her breasts to get the lather off of them and rubs them a bit, making her nipples rock hard. Speaking of rock hard, I started to get a bit of a boner as the pee flow slowed to a trickle; I feel my cock now pressing against the porcelain of the bowl. This is why men do not sit down to pee, I thought to myself, while I sat there hoping my cock will go down so I can finish the job. Sitting across from a naked woman bathing is not helping, especially when she keeps rubbing her breasts.
"Are you done yet?" Brandi asked after probably a minute of me being there.
"Uh, I am having a hard time going right now," I confessed, but not explaining why.
"Because I am here?" she asked.
"Uh, sure. Yes. Sorry."
"No worries. Here, hand me my towel." Brandi released the water and stood up, and I got to see her bush again - I don't remember it being as well trimmed as it is now, and I still can't tell if the hair is light because it is grey or because it is blond. Either way, that hairy bush was nice. Like I mentioned, Mary had been keeping herself shaved down there the last few years, so this was a pleasant difference.
I realized I couldn't reach the towel without standing up, and I glanced at Brandi, standing there naked waiting. "Well...?" she looked at me again, then looked at the towel.
"Fuck! Fine!" I thought to myself as I got up off the toilet, exposing my ...