1. The Succubus

    Date: 1/21/2024, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: bySchaka

    ... down, and turned to go. She paused when her son cupped her ass and squeezed it. She turned her head, kissed him, and hurried to the phone after he smacked her firmly on her butt.
    Isidore let her go; the phone ringing had broken the spell. He also knew the phone could have woken his dad. The mood had been broken, but the sexual spark wasn't gone.
    Karissa opened the bedroom door and ran downstairs, her inexplicable sexual urge subsiding as she put distance between her and her son. She shivered as the cool air blew across her wet pussy lips. A wave of animalistic lust washed over her as she recalled her son violently ripping off her panties.
    She recalled when she first met her husband. He discovered she enjoyed mild BDSM. He would tie her to the bed with her nylons and tease her pussy until she begged him to fuck her. Isidore's dominance was reawakening that submissive.
    "Oh, hi, mom! Yeah, we got here this morning..." Karissa started to tell her mother-in-law about their trip to the villa.
    Upstairs, smiling wickedly, Isidore pulled his jockeys up. He knew it was a matter of time until he fucked his mom.
    Chapter 04
    Isidore woke up with a start the following day. He had a weird dream of fucking and eating the pussy of a half-woman/half-demon. It was pretty erotic and involved his mother.
    He lay in bed, briefly thinking about what had happened the previous night. He felt no guilt or shame about what he'd tried to do to his mother. As he thought ...
    ... about his mother's lush body, his cock began to harden, tenting the bedsheets.
    The succubus' juices enhanced his senses. His nostrils flared as he sensed his mother's sexual frustration with his father and her need to fuck and breed. She needed his seed to assuage her hunger, cool the lust, and impregnate her.
    Later, when her son entered the kitchen, Karissa put some cornflakes in a bowl. She looked at him differently this morning. His attempt to seduce her the previous evening left her with strange, incestuous thoughts.
    As usual, he wore only his pajama bottoms, his tanned, muscled swimmer's body catching the morning sunlight as he walked to the fridge. His nostrils flared as he picked up her scent; she was in season.
    Karissa turned away, feeling ashamed. She'd awoken that morning, overcome with guilt of what had occurred last night and hadn't been looking forward to this moment.
    "Good morning, Isidore."
    Karissa tried to sound casual and relaxed. Her husband, John, was sitting at the kitchen table, reading the news on his tablet. Karissa didn't want him to suspect anything about what had happened between her and their son.
    Isidore checked his mother out as he walked into the kitchen. He sensed her nakedness under her full-length pink bathrobe tied tightly around her waist. Her natural brown hair gleamed in the sunlight. She wore no makeup apart from a bit of lipstick. Her bee-stung lips were moist and parted slightly.
    His cock plumped as he recalled ...