Bros Before Hoes
Date: 1/20/2024,
Consensual Sex
Female Domination,
Mind Control,
Non-consensual sex
Author: Eccho
Milo couldn’t be happier with his life right now. He’s at the tail end of the worst part of his life, his freelancing career is starting to get off the ground, and he’s now in a relationship with the greatest girl he’s ever come into contact with. He never thought he’d be this happy in his senior year.
“Shut up,” Rosaline says with a giggle, lightly shoving Milo, “I like kittens. Leave me alone.”
“I’m just saying they’re little prissy brats,” Milo retorts with a shrug, “Yeah, they’re cute, but they just go around ordering you around like they own everything. They’re like the late stages for a spoiled rich kid.”
“Well, I don’t care what you say. I’m getting one.”
“And I’m not gonna stop you. I’ll just place it somewhere really high if it annoys me.”
“Then it’ll climb back down and scratch you.”
“Then I’ll eat its food.”
“Then it’ll bite you.”
“Then I’ll bite it back to assert dominance.”
Rosaline giggles again at Milo before saying,
“Oh my gosh, you’re such a jerk.”
“What, you never complained when I ate your kitten before. What’s different now?”
“Milo, stooop.”
As the pair enjoy each other’s company, Milo’s friend, Rayleigh approaches them, taking note of their merriment.
“What’s up, lovebirds?” he starts, “What’s going on here?”
“Nothing much,” Milo answers, “Just discussing how she wants her kitty in my mouth and how it’ll result in me getting scratched.”
Rosaline gasps and blushes at Milo’s phrasing before pounding his ...
... shoulder, prompting him to laugh at her embarrassment.
“Classy, you two, real classy,” Rayleigh says with a smirk, “Well, the reason I came over here was to inform you that Alex is inviting everyone to his house for a bit of an end of the year get together. So you guys wanna ride with me or do you wanna continue your kitten conversation at your place first?”
Rosaline pouts at his statement before folding her arms. Milo embraces her in his arm before answering with,
“Yeah, we’ll go. Didn’t think that Alex was the party type.”
“Senior year just brings out the inner party animal, I guess.”
“That honestly doesn’t surprise me. Especially since he’s been stressing like crazy since the year started.”
“Yeah, this might be more therapeutic for him than anything. Alright, I’ll tell him he’s got two others on the guest list.”
Rayleigh walks away, leaving the pair alone again.
“You’re so embarrassiiiing,” Rosaline whines through a playful pout,
“Yeah, you’re right, I’m the worst,” Milo plays along, “Tell you what, I’ll embarrass myself by fucking up a backflip when we get to the party. Will that make it better?”
“Noo. I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“It won’t be permanent. I’ll just knock the wind out of myself.”
“No. You’re not gonna inflict harm upon yourself in any way.”
“Ok, you win, mom. I won’t intentionally hurt myself. But what if I-”
“Oh, hey there, Milo!” a familiar voice says, gathering the pair’s attention,
“How are you doing?” another ...