1. Hidden Lusts - Part 3

    Date: 1/16/2024, Categories: Fiction Cuckold, Cum Swallowing Oral Sex Wife Author: WhiskeyRunWizard1

    ... being with another guy." Sam said condescendingly.
    I put his comment out of my head as I read my putt. Slightly uphill, right to left break about a hole out. It wasn't an easy putt, that's for sure. Shit, Sam was right. I wanted to break 80 and see my wife suck his monster cock. I wanted to see that scene play out in front of me. I know Belle wasn't taking that comment seriously, but maybe she was actually hoping for an excuse to suck his dick. She could deepthroat me easily. Could she deepthroat him? Belle had been adamant about not wanting anyone else but me, but would her sexual desires eventually take over one day or even later tonight after we drank some more?
    I stood over my putt and it seemed like time slowed down. I looked to the hole and then to my ball a few times making sure I had my aim point exactly right. In my mind, I envisioned the ball rolling up the hill and turning right into the hole (and then Belle in her thong on her knees in front of Sam's massive cock). SHIT! Get that vision out of your head! I stood up and backed off the putt and Sam starting laughing. "Pressure's on buddy!" he egged on.
    I lined back up and didn't think twice about it. I had the line down and put a smooth stroke on the putt. The ball rolled exactly where I aimed at and at a great pace. It started its slow break towards the hole and at about a foot out, I knew it wasn't going to break as much as I thought. The ball hit the left lip and rolled halfway into the cup, made its ...
    ... way around the back of the cup, and the finally dropped in after it made almost a full rotation of the hole!
    Belle and Mandy started jumping and yelling. I pumped my fist while my heart was racing and went to go pick the ball out of the cup. Belle rushed and jumped up on me while wrapping her legs around my waist and kissed me. "I'm so happy for you baby!!!" she said while giving me kisses all over my face. I felt like I just won the Masters and the only thing I did was break 80 lol. That was a big accomplishment for me though! I looked over to Sam and he had a smirk on his face.
    "That's another dot for me and you owe me $50 now!" I told Sam. That made his smirk disappear quickly and he sulked his way back to his cart as Mandy gave me a high five. An idea struck me. "Sam! How about you and Mandy run by the liquor store and grab a bottle of tequila and then we can have a game night over at our place? Don't forget limes!"
    Belle and Mandy squealed their excitement and started talking about what games they wanted to play. "Will that cover my $50 I owe you?" Sam asked.
    "As long as it isn't a shitty bottle!" I replied as I grabbed a handful of Belle's ass and made her squeal again. This night was going to be a fun one. Maybe I could convince the girls to take body shots off each other.
    We took off our separate ways and decided for them to meet us at our house around 8pm which was a couple of hours out. Belle and I arrived home with us both on a high. We had sung our ...