Anything - For Our Big Brother - Chapter 3 / 3
Date: 1/13/2024,
Male / Female Teens,
Non-consensual sex
Author: Limnophile
Anything - Chapter 3 - Anything For Our Big Brother
I woke up feeling very groggy and my eyes didn’t want to work. I couldn’t move very much. I thought that was fine, because I was very high on something nice. I saw a fuzzy bright light above me, as I laid on my back.
A female voice I didn’t recognize said, “Good, he’s coming around. Kurt, you’re going to be alright. Just relax. I’ll get you some chicken broth, okay?”
I couldn’t make my mouth work right. “Awammawwh! Hawarrawa” I gave up, and just nodded a bit.
She fed me the delicious broth through a straw. I was SO HUNGRY! The lady questioned me a little, then told me the terrible news. “Kurt, do you remember being in the hospital two weeks?”
I shook my head.
“You were on some strong drugs. I’m not surprised you don’t remember. Your arms and left leg are in casts, and your jaw is wired up. You’ll be in bed two more months, until the casts can come off. Do you understand?”
I nodded.
“You were in an accident. People saw lightning hit your boat, and it exploded. Kim and Kelly pulled you and your daughter Sarah to shore, but your wife is gone. I’m so sorry. Mercifully it was quick. The gas tank was under her seat and she died almost instantly.”
I cried furiously. I’d never been so sad or felt such a terrible loss. I couldn’t move much or talk, but I screamed and cried in my despair. Karen wasn’t just my wife, she was my older sister, best friend, and the love of my life.
When I finally calmed ...
... a little, the lady said, “My daughter Jenny and her friend Cassie will be here to help you when you wake up again, but I have a lot of other people to take care of. Here, this will help you sleep.”
She put two pills in my mouth and gave me some water. I did indeed sleep and woke up feeling nice until I remembered. I cried a little more, as Jenny wiped my face with a damp washcloth. Jenny and Cassie both kissed me lightly on the cheek. Cassie said, “We’re so glad you’re going to be okay! We’ll take good care of you.”
The next few weeks are still a haze of pain and pain pills. One exciting morning, Cassie gave Kim and Kelly an important lesson. “Now that the catheter is out, you’ll need to help him pee about six times a day. You take the empty urinal bottle and slide it over the end of his penis, like this.”
Her hand on me felt very nice, and there was a movement near the base of my cock.
“And then you rub his belly gently, like this.”
I felt the urge to pee, but I was too erect. My penis continued to swell as she held it. “Sometimes it takes a while to start. You just keep holding it, so the urine doesn’t spill.”
I was over half erect and swelled even faster when I saw Jenny walk in sucking on a cigarette. She saw what was going on and licked her pink lips. I knew something would come out of me soon, and it probably wouldn’t be piss.
Cassie said, “Sometimes when you touch his penis, it’ll get hard. The right thing to do, according to Mom and other nurses, ...