Back where he belongs - Mother and Son - Chapter 2
Date: 1/11/2024,
Teen Male / Female
Author: tiredpup
Chapter 2
Stephanie didn’t really know how much time had passed. She had gone downstairs and put dinner in the oven ready to be heated up, but time was moving strangely and she felt like she was floating through the process and she certainly didn’t really feel much hunger. Truth be told, she didn’t know what she felt. What had happened in her son’s room earlier had had a strange effect on her, leaving her mind unable to really think clearly. She realized that she may have been in a state of shock, no matter how composed she tried to remain.
She wasn’t sure when she first began to realize how aroused he had been but his bodies reaction as they hugged, his slight whimpers and little jerks could only have meant one thing. As she thought about it more, she concluded that she must have interrupted him pleasuring himself when she came home and that it was just his body’s natural reaction to being close to someone whilst aroused. In her clear-thinking mind she knew that’s all it was. He was a teenager after all. But regardless, she couldn’t get it out of her mind. The way he had held her close and whispered ‘mom’ as he was having his orgasm were being replayed to her mind over and over. She knew that the move here was to act calmly as if nothing had happened, and that’s what she intended to do. But there was just something about the what had happened that she couldn’t get out of her head.
It wasn’t that she was completely surprised by the situation, on some level she knew ...
... that Andy had hit puberty and had been exploring himself for a while now. He may have been slighter and a bit slower to develop than the other boys, but he had certainly become a teenager. She had realized that when she had to start telling him to shower more otherwise, he and his room would stink. She was also sure that he masturbated, although she hadn’t really caught him on the act – until this evening, of course. No, the only thing that really caught her by surprise this evening was her own body’s reaction.
After she had left his room and closed his door behind her, she had leant back against the wall, she felt lightheaded and slightly disorientated. She needed to catch her breath and it was only after regaining her composure that she had realized the throbbing in her groin and the need for touch.
Now, as she sat on the L-shaped sofa in the living room sipping her glass of red wine, she tried to make sense of everything. Dinner was ready to be heated up, but she hadn’t seen Andy since the incident. She had time to calm herself down to an extent but the very recent memory of the intense yearning in her vagina stayed with her. The wine helped.
I hope he’s ok. She thought to herself. Poor boy must be so embarrassed. I can’t let on that I was aware of anything.
She was getting concerned; it had been over an hour, and he hadn’t made an appearance yet. She had gone through every scenario in her head. Maybe he just wasn’t hungry, maybe he was embarrassed, or maybe she ...