1. my wife loves to play with Shy guys

    Date: 1/11/2024, Categories: True Story Blowjob Exhibitionism massage, Oral Sex Threesome Voyeurism Wife Author: cjhopper

    We all see these guys hanging in the shadows of public places. Being afraid to make contact with a female, thinking the girl will not want talk to a guy like him. It is sad to watch this happen for no reason other than his opinion of himself.
    My lovely wife has always felt sorry for them. She often will smile or say hello when opportunity presents itself, just trying to brighten his day. If she is wearing a sexy top all the better for my amusement.
    If J wants to help a shy guy out of the shadows, and being a guy I offer my suggestions. Those usually gets me in "trouble" in a fun way.
    As I was saying my wife J has always had a soft spot for guys that appear innocent and shy.
    The wallflower.
    The sad sack.
    The Introvert.
    My favorite is the computer geek.
    I just never knew her soft spot had a soft spot.
    J sees the shy, insecure guys as interesting.
    She has made a couple of shy guys her personal projects. J can be a flirty as she tries to be open to her new shy project. Being a sweet MILf is more her natural style. I see the horny wallflowers thoughts often go directly to her boobs. He doesn’t know how to get to them but he wants them. She usually will be dressed sexy to keep his attention, IT DOES! She sometimes is slow to see what a guy is thinking but she will figure him out and act accordingly.
    I don’t ever get to be part of the class, but act as body guard from afar.
    Trying to show he has worth she will accompany him to a ...
    ... public place. I have seen her teach a guy to interact in public. J tells him how and what to say, be clean, dress nicely and smile. When she sees "improvement" the next class is to role play a female alone in a public setting. J wears a sexy dress this time(my idea?). The SG (shy guy) approaches her with a smile to try one of the opening lines she teaches, his opening line and her friendship is guaranteed, making the guy feel a little more at ease. J smiles at him and begins the social banter. She uses leading answers to keep him open to the encounter. Her body language is large and easy to read. The shy one usually opens up to her as time passes. At times I got the feeling her project was wanting to do more than talk, a shapely MILF body is exciting. J plays the interested lady and will take the interaction to a level she believes he can handle, to even a little touching? She teaches light touching of hands, arms,or lower back. Even upper leg touches are not unheard of if it seems appropriate for the area. The leg touching usually surprises him (and me) little at first, but smiles always follow.
    I often wonder/fantasize how far the touching could go? J has always been good in the roll play game, whether playing shy or sexy she has great confidence and body language control.
    I will vouch for her use of body language on me in private or semi-public places.
    That leads me to my personal favourite. I was the audience/participant.
    While waiting for J at our ...