Date: 1/5/2024,
Consensual Sex
Author: spacybickerson
... game, do some real thing or something? I saw on the Travel Channel that you guys have lotteries and stuff. Is that what this is?”
“No, Daisy. Not quite. Though the million dollars I offer is quite real.”
“A w-w-what?”
“A million dollars. For you and Pete. That is, if you accept my offer.”
He looked her over again. The very air around her seemed charged with that spitfire spirit of hers and fresh country beauty. Aiden leaned in and over the scent of his extinguished cigar. He caught a whiff of that sweet Kentucky skin that lingered on his palate. He likened it to a fresh baked apple-pie, the promise of home and heart. He didn’t come across many like Daisy, though he was sure plenty visited his casinos. He had to be careful not scare this one away.
“I believe everyone has a price. I believe that for a price, you can have anything you want.” Aiden withdrew to make sure she was watching him. “Right now, I want you. One day, one night, you and I, and you’re a million dollars richer.”
Daisy pressed away, as far away as her booth seat would allow.
“Me?” She blinked and refocused her gaze. Stunned her voice failed her. She was by no means blind to his attraction. Her curiosity, as well as her vanity, had been aroused in the face of it. But was he crazy? A million dollars to just to be with him? Did he mean…? Did she even hear him right?
“You, Daisy. I propose that you make your destiny with a little help from me.”
“Sleep with you?”
“Among other ...
... things.” He gave a sardonic chuckle.
“I don’t understand this. Why would you offer me a million dollars to sleep with you? To cheat on Pete?”
“That is not my intent. In fact, I’ve already transferred the million dollars to your fiancé’s casino account. The banker will meet with you in the morning to finalize the draft. I fully want him to know and agree to my deal. It would have to be agreed upon by you both.”
There was a maddening hint of arrogance about him that made her want to strike him. But the smoldering flame in his eyes held her still. This attraction they shared would be perilous. However, a million dollars could make a wise man foolish. This sexy billionaire had chosen her above all the other women flaunting themselves around him. Could she do it? Would Pete even allow it? And what would Aiden Keane put her through if she agreed?
“I have to know what you really want. I mean, what this is really about?”
Aiden stopped twirling this coin. His expression stilled and grew serious. “Someone once told me that love trumps all in the game of life. I say bullshit. Greed is the wildcard. What do you think? Is it better to live poor on principle or rich on your terms?” He chuckled softly. “You’re beautiful, smart, and strong, Daisy, but a thousand-dollar coin won’t bring you your dreams. You’ll get married, get a job and so will Pete. You’ll make a few babies and maybe end up back in Kentucky, all the while thinking of the one chance you had in your grasp to change it ...