My Brother's College Friends
Date: 1/5/2024,
Author: byGideonBard
She put down her pencil, looked over her paper, then got up from her desk and added her term paper to the pile on her teacher's desk. Sarah was a senior in high school and finals week had been tougher than she anticipated. She was happy the long week was finally over. After days of studying, she was excited to go home and just relax.
When she walked through the door, she heard laughter and chatter coming from her brother's bedroom. Sarah entered the room finding her brother, Jake, along with several of his friends, gathered around the computer watching videos.
Sarah had always been close to her brother. They were three years apart in age and spent a lot of time together at home since their parents traveled a lot for work. He was a handsome guy, about 6', with brown hair, athletic and charming.
"Hey, sis! What's up?" Jake asked, getting up from his computer desk chair to hug her.
"Not much! I just finished my final exams! I am beat. Surprised to see you home?" Sarah asked.
"The college semester is over so I am crashing here for the summer," Jake stated. "Sarah, these are my friends," gesturing to the group. "This is Tyler," he said, pointing to a tall, muscular guy with dark hair and blue eyes. "And this is Chris," he continued, indicating a handsome guy with blond hair and hazel eyes. "And that's Ryan," he finished, pointing to a guy with curly black hair and a mischievous grin.
Sarah looked at each of the guys in turn, taking in their features. She ...
... couldn't help but notice how attractive they all were, in different ways. Tyler was the classic tall, dark, and handsome type, with a chiseled jaw and piercing blue eyes. Chris was more boyish and playful, with shaggy blond hair and a cute dimpled smile. Ryan's curly hair and impish grin gave him a devil-may-care charm.
Sarah stood in the doorway, leaning against the open door. She was a cute, button nosed, 5'9" brunette with curly hair and freckles. The black jeans she wore hugged her skin tightly framing her toned legs and her curvaceous body. The holes in her pants, on her knees and thighs, exposed her creamy white skin against the contrasting colored pants. Sarah's loose green v-neck shirt, draped loosely over her breasts with the sleeves rolled up. The men clearly appreciated the eye candy she brought to the room as she could feel their eyes trying to piece through her clothes. Boys were so silly, she chucked, regardless of their age.
"Do you want a beer? It's in the fridge," Jake said
"Sure," she said. A nice iced cold beer sounded like a nice way to celebrate the end of the school year. "Anyone else wants one while I'm up?"
All of the guys raised their hands for a beer, large appreciative smiles across their faces. "Can I come along to help?" Said Tyler. He was incredibly attractive, tall with broad shoulders with a Henry Cavill way about him. His beautiful blue eyes and chiseled jaw made him easy on the eyes. She watched his eyes scan her body making her feel a ...