Date: 1/2/2024, Categories: True Story Cosplay, Cuckold, Erotica Female Domination, Female exhibitionist, Job/Place-of-work Male / Older Female, Older Female / Males, Wife Author: CecilBCK
Thick carpets, an antique desk, a bookshelf and a few other pieces of new furniture, and some paintings had transformed the once drafty billiard room into a what his wife called a ‘gin palace.’ An obvious reference to up market appearance of the room which could have been put to any number of uses besides an office for a ‘wheeler dealer.’ They were both in their late thirties and had been married, both for the second time, for two years. Both were considered ‘attractive’ by their friends and his friends were constantly reminding him what a good looker he had married. Tallish, articulate, with long well rounded legs, a firm figure and graceful carriage and posture to set it all off. As they finished their coffee together she asked if he would need any help with the two prospective clients he was expecting. “Good idea. After about an hour could you come in and ask if any body would like a drink?” “Happy to assist sir,’ she smiled mockingly. ‘What would you like me to wear to impress your clients?” “High heels always look good on you.” Before he could say anything else the door bell rang and he greeted the two men he was expecting and showed them into his office. Both men appeared to be in their early thirties and good looking his wife thought. They both ogled her and appeared to be mentally undressing her on the way through to his office. “Call out if you need me,” she cooed sarcastically from her chair as they disappeared into his office, but not ...
... before they both turned for a last look at her as she crossed her legs deliberately, revealing most of her unstockinged thighs to their gaze. What to do for an hour before she was due to act as drinks waitress she wondered. She poured herself a glass of cognac and thought back to the time when she had asked her then new husband what she she should wear in their bedroom. “Just a pair of really high heels,: had been his flippant answer. And she had a few times. She had enjoyed the effect it had on him and the obvious power and dominance that she could have over him with so little effort. After forty five minutes she thought she might offer them drinks early. She listened outside the door before entering. “We really are interested in your proposal, but need something more than you are offering to clinch a deal. What about a low interest loan?” Her husband’s voice. “What interest rate did you have in mind?” On and on it went. Backwards and forwards. She was starting to worry for her husband. He seemed outgunned and outnumbered in his dealings. Right on the hour she knocked on the door, opened it and went straight in. “Can I offer you gentlemen something to drink?” At first no one even looked up. The two visitors were facing her husband over his desk and had their backs to her, with their eyes downwards concentrating on their sheets of figures. “Need any help my sweet husband?”, she said with a tremor in her voice, as she walked towards his desk. “I followed your ...