Grandson is Nanna's Healthcare Aide
Date: 12/27/2023,
Author: byFlannaFionaFlaherty, Source: Literotica
... signs of early onset dementia. She had difficulty doing everyday tasks that she had routinely done for years. She repeated herself and asked the same questions over again.
Unable to remember the day, month, and year, she struggled to think of the names of common objects. Easily upset, she had periods of depression. Misplacing things, she forgot where she put things. I found her car keys in the refrigerator. Loss of interest, she no longer enjoyed doing the things that she loved to do. She forgot old memories and sometimes the names of old friends and relatives.
Rather than putting her in an expensive nursing home, and with her vehemently insisting to remain living in her house, my family hired me to care for her. They augmented the salary that I lose working in a hospital by giving me room and board in my grandmother's house. Not having to buy a car, I drove her car. They paid me half of what they would have to pay for a nursing home.
A win/win for everyone, we were all happy with the arrangement, especially my grandmother. With me her favorite grandchild, she loved that she'd be living with me and seeing me every day. As if I had given her new life, perking her up, she not only was happy but also, she seemed better. No longer depressed, she rediscovered her love for reading, knitting, and painting.
My grandmother, Elizabeth, loved me as much as I loved her. We've always had a tight bond and a close relationship, especially after her husband, my grandfather, ...
... Walter, died. Before she sold her house and bought a smaller one, she lived with us, my mother, and my sister, for several months.
When she lived with us, I saw and talked to my grandmother every day. As a family, we ate meals together. We watched television together. We talked and laughed. We played board games and card games. With her depressed after losing her husband, we gave her a new life and renewed reasons to live now that she was with her family.
The only awkward thing for her, not for me as I'm accustomed to seeing patients naked, is that I'd be seeing my grandmother without her clothes. Now that I'm my grandmother's home health caregiver, I'd be helping her to the toilet. I'd be wiping her vagina, her ass, washing her, and dressing her.
Even though I'm accustomed to caring for men and women, she was uncomfortable with me, as a man caring for her, a woman. More than that, she was uncomfortable with me, her grandson caring for her, my grandmother. She wasn't just any woman, she was my grandmother, my Nanna Elizabeth.
Yet, it was either a nursing home with strangers caring for her, a stranger living in her house, or me caring for her. I've seen some nursing homes, and unless families paid big bucks for assisted living, private care facilities, many nursing homes are a poor alternative. Tragically, nursing homes are the only alternative for the poor living off of their Social Security. Nursing homes take a person's entire monthly Social Security check ...