1. Tracey's Slave Contract

    Date: 11/6/2015, Categories: Dark Fantasy Slavery, Author: Katiesmith

    ... bought by the highest bidder was too exciting not to play with herself! So with all this in her mind she had rung the company and asked to be sent more details. The next day a large envelope had appeared and to Tracey's acute embarrassment it was luridly stamped with the words Slave X, a well known slave company. Tracey lived in a shared house, she was on the ground floor with 3 other flats above her, all occupied by dirty old men and all of whom had to use the same front hallway as she did and as the envelope had been laying there all day she was sure they would of all seen it and probably had all kinds of thoughts of Tracey becoming a slave! Indeed the perviest one of the lot, Mr Chambers, who lived on the top floor had opened his door just as she picked up the envelope and laughingly shouted down at her, “You going to be up for sale soon Tracey? I'll put in a bid if you are.” and as the old man wheezed and laughed Tracey could feel her cheeks glowing red as she'd quickly picked the envelope up and dashed into her room. She knew Mr Chambers niece Emily worked at a slave processing centre although she didn't know which one. Emily was a nasty piece of work though, Tracey had a run in with her a few weeks earlier when Tracey had gone up the Mr Chambers flat to complain the about the noisy music being played. Emily had answered the door and immediately took offence at Tracey's meek complaint and just before she was going to slam the door in Tracey's face her uncle had shuffled ...
    ... into view behind her and Tracey had heard Emily snarl, “When are you going to let me take this bitch down to the centre and get her processed Uncle, will only take a minute and then she will be out of your way forever, unless you buy her of course.” she had laughed loudly and Tracey had seen Mr Chambers smiling behind Emily just before she did have the door slammed in her face. God she hoped it wasn't Slave X that Emily worked for! The envelope contained all sorts of goodies, from various photographs of the slave centre which seemed to be very modern with gleaming white alls and floors everywhere. The leaflet proudly stated that it was one of the largest slave centres on the south coast and could comfortably house up to 2000 girls at any one time. It also pointed out that as they had such a big choice of girls any visitor could buy a slave cheaper than anywhere else, All prices available. Biggest choice of pussy in town. Extra discount on multi-pussy purchases. Tracey had read the various leaflets from front to back and was as excited as she could be! Her excitement hit the buffers temporarily when the found the leaflet detailing the prices for temporary slaves! It was quite expensive, £100 for the one day experience, £250 for three days and £500 for the week, then it said that other time scales were available but you had to ask for prices. Tracey wasn't exactly rich and her job barely paid the bills but her dad had left her some money two years ago when he sadly passed away ...