1. A Dream Come True Ch. 02

    Date: 12/23/2023, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byBeeferin

    Author's Note: I got a little distracted with what I wanted to do with this chapter and then next thing I knew it was time to wrap it up, so there's no actual incest in this chapter. Just wanted to let you know in case you're only here for the incest!
    "Michael? Are you listening?"
    The familiar voice of his boss calling out to him snapped him out of his reverie. Mike had been looking out the window of the office at the passing clouds, not something he found himself doing often, nor the desire to do so, but things had changed so much in such a short amount of time that he realized he hadn't really done any reflection on it at all. The problem was, he had unintentionally chosen the wrong time to do so, and that caught the attention of his boss.
    "Yeah, sorry, I've had a lot on my mind recently. I promise I'll focus," Michael admitted, turning his attention back to the table and its occupants. It was all full of people that he knew, some more than others. The vast majority were people he only really knew the names of, and what they did within the little building inspection company he was part of. A Samantha here, a Greg there, all with largely uninteresting, and sometimes unattractive or flat-out boring, lives. The kind of people you avoided at the company watercooler because they always loved to chat about 'last night's game,' or how their kid killed it at the ballet recital the previous night.
    There were, however, people he actually knew there beyond first ...
    ... names and job titles. Rachel, his secretary, was there. Normally a bit of a flirt and an unabashed horndog (or horncat?), but now in complete professional mode, writing notes about the meeting for both of them. A good thing too, thanks to my recent distraction. Ryan existed there as well, grinning like a jackal, because I'd been caught by the one guy who would've had anything to say about his bout of cloud watching and would probably tease him about it at some point in the next few days.
    "All right. Just don't let it happen again. Where was I?" The man nodded, then continued to go over company growth charts, typically uninteresting stuff that usually ended with 'well, we need more people, we're spread a little thin' and then nothing ever happened to help spare the company's bottom line. Mike generally liked his boss - a man named Cooper - because the guy was at least understanding about minor mistakes and, if you took responsibility, often overlooked them. He was, relatively speaking, one of the best bosses he'd ever had.
    Cooper, often referred to as 'Sly' by people that knew his proclivity for women that weren't his wife, was a bear of a man. The sort of person that you'd expect to be pumping iron in a gym to heavy metal music and slapping cardio bunny's asses, and not standing in a boardroom meeting showing off personally created powerpoint slides about company growth and expectations. In his earlier years, the guy was a career weightlifter and professional Adonis. In ...