1. My Mothers Boyfriend

    Date: 12/21/2023, Categories: Fiction Anal Cheating Consensual Sex Female solo, Hardcore Male / Females Masturbation Older Male / Female, Author: GideonBard, Source: sexstories.com

    ... that day she would have sworn that Janet would never warm up to a man other than her father, but these two were like peas in a pod. It made her motherly heart warm with possibilities. As she looked at Mark, who shrugged at the request, she felt herself falling deeper and deeper in love with him.
    With Mark seated between the two beautiful ladies, the trio settled into their seats. The flickering candlelight created an aura of intimacy around them.
    Sarah leaned in with a whisper, “I think she approves of you Mark, I knew you two would hit it off,” she said, a glimmer of satisfaction in her voice.
    He smiled at Sarah, her joy infectious, as he whispered in her ear, “Just like her mom, there isn’t much not to like.” He loved to make her blush.
    The evening stretched out before them with great conversations. As they perused the menu they joked and shared moments of laughter and in between jokes they shared old memories. When the waiter arrived Mark bought a bottle of white wine for the table and when the waiter returned he brought three wine glasses. Before Janet could say anything she caught Sarah’s glance. Sarah winked at Janet, having a great time being in Mark's presence she decided a little wine for her daughter with dinner wouldn’t be a bad thing, after all, she was just a few years shy of twenty-one.
    The table became a stage for flirtation and connection. Sarah found herself pulling on Mark's attention, stealing kisses, gently touching him, and sharing ...
    ... affectionate glances. His presence in their lives seemed like a memory, a return to a time when she was in love and their family enjoyed nights out together. With each tender moment, she felt a sense of contentment settle over her. Sarah loved how Mark made sure to engage Janet, drawing her into their orbit.
    Janet relished Mark's attention, how he pulled her into his conversations, how he made her feel important. His magnetic gaze ignited a rush of warmth in her, a belonging she hadn’t felt in a long time. As they delved into lighthearted topics, Janet found herself noticing Mark stealing glances at her, his eyes lingering on her figure, tracing the lines of her curvaceous silhouette.
    As Mark and Sarah talked about Valentine’s Day and love being in the air, Mark turned to Janet to engage her, "So, Janet," he began, a playful smile tugging at the corners of his lips, "Are you dating any boys?"
    Janet felt a rush of excitement at his question, the underlying flirtation not lost on her. "Well…," she replied, her voice tinged with amusement, "I have a few admirers."
    As Sarah joined the conversation, pride beaming about her daughter, “A few, Mark you should see the number of boys that visit and call the house for Janet,” she then shared details about Janet's most recent boyfriend, a cute college boy who seemed smitten with her daughter.
    "He was adorable, Mark," Sarah gushed, a proud smile lighting up her face. "Always hanging on her every word."
    Janet laughed, her eyes ...