My Sister's Pussy
Date: 12/19/2023, Categories: Fiction Consensual Sex Incest Male/Female Wife Young Author: alaiseq, Source: sexstories.com
... else. At that point, I experienced something new. In my misted state it required a moment to acknowledge what it was. My sister's swimsuit bottoms had come unfastened and were descending her leg. We strolled perhaps 6 additional means and they fell as far as possible off. We both quit strolling and stopped with acknowledgment at what had occurred. She murmured back to me. "Oh no, apologies. I surmise this is an issue, younger sibling," she said in a giggly snicker. Now that her two-piece bottoms were completely gone her butt truly spread around my cock. The inclination expanded ten times as each step she took made her butt pull my cock all over. As I felt her naked ass against me, I let out a sigh. "We need to get back to the room and fix this problem before things get messy," she whispered back. She had no clue about how untidy things planned to get very soon on the off chance that we didn't escape this thing. I could feel the blood leaving my mind and all I needed was to cum hard and long. I was near the mark of not caring who I was with or who was near. I simply needed to cum. As we walked, I could feel her cheeks pulling on my boxers because her bare ass was so deep and tight. I felt my cock spring out of the fly in my boxers as she took one more step with her ass. "Goodness shit..." was all I could figure out how to say as my cock squeezed against her wet ass. "I realize I can feel it" she said in groggily wispy voice. "We need to return to the ...
... room now and step out of the ensemble," she said. This time there was no giggle simply a little quiver in her voice. I just thought I was turned on previously. Presently I could feel her uncovered skin and the perspiration from our bodies running between the break of her butt. The entire within the ensemble resembled sweat and there was no denying there was the smell of wet pussy. The smell of her sex was more inebriating than whatever I might have at any point envisioned. I was getting increasingly more turned on. I knew in my cerebrum that we needed to escape this soon, yet completely pondered outcomes had completely left me. I was totally and completely lost at the time. My heart was hustling and I could see she was likewise beginning to gasp a bit. Her breathing was short and quick and with each step she would let a little groan out. Returning to her room was an almost inconceivable errand. We were way outside on the deck and it required 10 minutes for us to get that far. I realized it would have been a sluggish stroll back inside and to her room. We returned to her house slowly. Each step appeared to take and time everlasting. With each forward step my stone hard cock was making mistakes and down her and I swear she was pushing her butt against me with each step. The temperature in the outfit was rising and I didn't know it was all from the intensity. I murmured, "On the off chance that we don't get back soon I will lose it... We need to attempt to speed ...