1. Molly the Girl Next Door

    Date: 12/16/2023, Categories: Fiction First Time Male/Female Male/Teen Female Masturbation Teen Young Author: jwells6995

    ... asked her if she was still dating a guy that he had seen a few months ago. “Oh no, I broke it off with him. He was too immature. I think I’m going to look for an older guy next time” she said with a wink. “Just don’t tell my parents” she added while she pretended to accidently run her leg between John’s legs underneath the bubbles. She brushed the inside of his leg while she said that. John didn’t mind at all her physical touch, and he said, “Don’t worry your secret’s safe with me.” Then John had his first thought that what he was living out now was kind of like the story he wrote. “I’m good at keeping secrets” said keeping the conversation going.
    “That’s good to know” she said looking at John in a giggly mood. Her plan was going flawlessly. The next part would be a do or die moment in the plan. She reached back behind her back underneath the camouflage of the bubbles and blindly searched for her bikini string that held her top in place. She purposely tied it loosely and not in a double knot so it would come off without a fight.
    She found the string and slowly tugged on it downwardly without making it obvious to John. She felt the knot unhitch and then she pulled it away from her body and quickly brought her hand back in front hoping that gravity would do the rest of the work for her.
    Not but a few seconds later, Molly moved around to help her top the black top feel off right into the water. Molly purposefully delayed her reaction time so that John would get the ...
    ... show he fantasized about and that she longed to give him.
    John saw it immediately and was frozen in delight with the perfect set breasts on display for him. Her dime sized nipples were small but poking out around her brown quarter-sized areolas. John tried to pretend like he wasn’t looking all the while he was enjoying the view. “Oh my god” Molly exclaimed faking her surprise as best she could. Her top fell into the water and sunk down. She pretended to search for it and loosely covered her chest while still giving John a show.
    It was as if a switch was flipped, and John instantly figured out that too many coincidences from his story had occurred to be coincidences. Had Molly somehow found out about his secret fantasy? She must have. Molly dove forward toward John still pretending to search for the bikini top, but her breast pressed against his legs under water.
    “Oh no, you read my story, didn’t you?” John abruptly announced. John wondered if he was going to be in trouble from her discovery but the second, she stopped looking for her top and looked up at John with a smile he knew that he was not in any trouble at all, in fact he was about to make some trouble.
    “I did” Molly confessed. “I accidentally stumbled on it last week when we over for dinner.” Molly slowly came up out of the water and sat in John’s lap facing him with her legs straddling him. Her arms went around his shoulders and his wrapped around her waist at the same time. She quickly explained what ...