1. This Old House

    Date: 12/15/2023, Categories: Incest/Taboo, Author: byMaxximus0040

    This Old House
    British English language and spelling. In some stories the legal process will be different to what readers from the USA are used to, over here we have laws that apply nationally, not state by state. Where possible I try to research facts in the hope I can be accurate in what I write.
    I write for my enjoyment, and hopefully that of others. I welcome feedback and constructive criticism, hateful or pointless comments will be deleted.
    To those of you who favourite my stories or follow me, thank you, it means a lot.
    An unhappy sister, her brother makes a decision that affects them both.
    I had just got back into my car when my phone pinged, it was from my sister, Dawn.
    "Where R U?"
    "Ten mins away, just got dinner for us both." I sent my reply.
    "Good, I forgot my key."
    I put my car into gear and drove away, quickly, 5 minutes later I pulled up on the drive. Parking behind Dawn's car I got out, Dawn smiled as I grabbed our take away dinner.
    We had arranged to meet at our parent's house, and we had the task of clearing it out before selling the place. Our parents had both passed away while on holiday. Dad collapsed and died almost immediately, Mum collapsed and passed away several hours later. Although shocked by their passing, it didn't surprise Dawn or myself that they went so close to the other, that was how strongly they loved each other.
    "Pete, thank god. ...
    ... I can't believe I forgot my key to the house." Dawn sighed as she tried to hug me.
    I put the food down and returned the hug, Dawn took my key and opened the door. While she served the food onto plates I opened a few windows. Dawn produced a bottle of red wine from her bag.
    "You remembered the important thing then?" I poked fun at her. Dawn poked her tongue out at me, that was something she had done since we were young kids.
    Although we had spoken regularly, I hadn't seen Dawn for almost a year. She was married and lived at the opposite end of the country to me. That was partly my fault. I didn't like her husband, more importantly I had a thing for my sister. I had never acted on my feelings, I took the cowards way out and put distance between us. Dinner was a relatively quiet affair, we would talk later. Between us we washed the plates and tidied away. I took the rubbish out, Dawn carried the wine and glasses into the lounge.
    I sighed as I sat down, Dawn watched as I picked up my glass of wine. "So how have you been? Pete."
    "Not too bad. Busy with work and stuff." I answered. What Dawn did not know was that I had recently sold my business, I was working as a freelance consultant. I was in the position where I could choose to work when I wanted to, and for who I wanted to. Dropping everything to clear out the old house was easy for me, I wasn't sure how Dawn had arranged time off.
    "Obviously not that busy if you managed to clear your schedule to be here. What ...