Mind Controlled Janice Pt. 116
Date: 12/12/2023, Categories: True Story Group Sex Mind Control, Author: janicegoodall
Janice groaned and looked at the clock beside her bed it was only 10.15 at night and she knew it was going to be a disturbed night. There was singing and loud music coming from the garden of the house two doors away. Russell was having another of his late night barbecues and as usual he had invited a number of his friends and their wives. These parties often went on until 3am. Twice a neighbour had called the police complaining about the noise. Russell thought it was Janice that had made the calls, even though it wasn't. Because of the calls and another number of disagreements between them they both hated each other. Janice in fact did not get on with any of Russell's family. They were a rough lot thought Janice, Russell was a dustbin man and so were some of his mates. They all ready sounded drunk. In a sudden fit of anger Janice decided to go and give Russell a good talking to, she would really let him know what she thought of him. She threw back the bed covers put her dressing gown on over her nightie and slippers on her bare feet and marched out of the house. Janice hurried up the street, on to the driveway of Russell's house and into his back garden. There were about twenty people there sat on white plastic garden chairs that were set out in a circle. A barbecue was giving off smoke as some burgers sizzled and cooked. Most of the men seemed to have a wife or girlfriend with them. Many of the men looked like rough binmen with a few exceptions, Janice was ...
... surprised to see Shaun who lived further down the street was there as was Barbara who lived in the house between Janice's and Russell's. It was a hot summer evening, most of the men were in shorts with their shirts off. The women were in summer clothes that revealed a lot of flesh, Barbara was in a dark green bikini. Diane, Russell's wife, seemed to be in just her bra and knickers, another woman looked to be drunk and completely topless. Russell's daughter and son were also part of the group. Everyone looked as though they were well on the way to becoming drunk. Janice paused at the sight of all these people, her brain seemed to freeze but her body carried on walking right up to the chair that Russell was sat in. Janice opened her mouth to start to tell him what she thought of him except the words that came out of her mouth were different to what she wanted to say. "Fuck me!" Janice was horrified and appalled at what she had said, why had she said that? Russell and nearly everyone there looked at her, Janice tried to start again but... "Russell, please fuck me, I need you!" Janice could not stop herself. Her mind was reeling at her own words. She also knew her body was becoming aroused her nipples had hardened and she was wet between her legs. Her mind was screaming no but her body seemed to have taken control. Janice's hands unfastened the belt of her dressing gown, took the gown off and dropped it on the floor. Inside herself Janice was trying to fight ...