Black Cat (Part IV)
Date: 12/7/2023,
Consensual Sex
Cum Swallowing
First Time
Teen Male/Teen Females,
Water Sports/Pissing,
Author: axs
... either. But I think… you can’t really hate what you don’t know. If you or your dad knew anything about me… I’m not a sandnigger. I’m a mountain nigger.”
Cat spit out a mouthful of food. Ti looked up, his face halfway between crying and smiling. Narges looked at him and squeezed his hand.
“My god, Nana has made a joke. Like a real joke.”
“Please be quiet, Catherine. Or we will have another… fistfight.” She winked at Cat.
“Ti, please look at me. I think you are better than that. I think you are a good man.”
Ti smiled. Shy. This mountain of a guy smiled like the moon in old children’s books.
“Let’s eat. When we have our mouths full, we won’t be tempted to say silly things.”
And so we ate. In peace. At some point, I noticed that Narges was still holding Ti’s hand.
Chapter 12: Saturday Evening - Truth or Dare
“I should leave.”
Cat: “No, please, stay.”
Narges: “Yes, Ti. I would like you to stay. Please.”
“For what it’s worth, I would like you to stay, too. Feel free to leave, but just know that you are among friends here.”
“Cat… you promised… Why am I here? What is this?”
“Yes, I promised. Let’s play a game. Truth or Dare. If you get Truth, you will get the truth. Deal?”
We left the dining table, there would be quite a mess to clean up later. We moved over to the living room, I pushed the table to the side and took four large cushions. We put the cushions on the floor, sat down on them. Ti ...
... opposite me, Cat to my left, Narges to my right.
“Let’s play.”
Ti: “Cat… Truth.”
“This is not how this…”
“Why am I here? Truth.”
“Fine. We have something in common. We’ve all been bullied. We’ve all been bullied by the same person.”
Ti looked at Cat. Looked over to Narges. Looked over at me, but I just shrugged.
“The Evil Queen.”
Both Ti and Narges looked down.
“Evil Queen?”
“Mikayla Mauss. Head cheerleader. Blonde. Tall. Tits and ass for two. Evil incarnate.”
“Mauss? I think that’s German for ‘mouse’”
“So… it’s Cat and Mouse?”
“Damn… talk about fate and all.”
Ti: “What about her? I have nothing to do with her!”
“Ti, Truth. What happened at the 5-mile run?”
“No. Don’t.”
“Ti… it’s truth. Your turn.”
Pause. Ti looked at her. His lips a thin line.
Narges: “I go first. Truth. I love swimming. But… I don’t want to wear a bikini. Or a swimsuit. Because… you know….”
We all nodded.
“I have this special swimsuit… like…”
Narges laughed. “No, not a burkini. They look horrible. It’s like… what divers wear?”
Narges took a deep breath.
“It covers my whole body and my head… I mean hair. I feel safe in it. Like I’m feeling safe right now. I didn’t notice how tight it was. Mikayla took pictures of me, getting out of the water, sitting on the poolside. You could see my… nipples? The outline of my… you know?”
“Camel toe…”
“Catherine, please… she sent the pictures to half the school. Some Telegram ...