My Dirty Secrets Chapter 1.1
Date: 12/1/2023, Categories: Taboo Author: Spendingtime
Being the little sister is a unique place in the family. I benefited from my big sister doing the things that scared my parents. I also have the luxury of them freaking out on her, and now they leave me alone for the most part. She always had an early curfew, and one of our parents constantly checked in on her until she married at nineteen. I became a fly on the wall at that point as my parents’ focus again singularly targeted my big sister. Her husband was anything but what our mom and dad expected. Nick was a tall man who was three years older than Melissa. He was funny and nothing like any guy she would’ve met at church. He had tattoos, big earrings, and other piercings. I guess I felt comfortable around him right away. He always talked to me and made it a point to seek me out in a conversation. Most people tended to gloss over me for our youngest sister, or they somehow knew Melissa from church or school. I felt left out most of the time. Nick filled that hole in the family for me. We laughed at the same foolish things and liked the same dumb jokes. Even Melissa would roll her eyes as we laughed at some random commercial that amused us. One of those times was when I first noticed Nick in a way that made me feel different inside. We were on the couch, and often, we would stay up late together and watch TV long after everyone else in the house was in bed. A commercial came on, and the actor said the tagline, “Got a little Captain in ya?” We both made ...
... eye contact and then immediately fell over laughing. My hand touched Nick’s arm, and from then on, I was hooked. I couldn’t explain my feelings then, but I now know exactly what it was. Nick turned me on. I didn’t want to admit it and certainly would never own up if asked. He had big arms and a big chest. His laugh was booming and deep and just made me feel happy inside. I struggled with how to handle my feelings for a while. How do you come to grips with having a crush on your sister’s husband? Nick may have been my brother-in-law, but he was also my first hard crush. Hanging out with him was my priority. Not just because I thought he was cute but because he saw me as more than a seventeen-year-old who happened to be his wife’s sister. Melissa and Nick were married in the summer, and I turned eighteen that fall. Then, Nick started inviting me to hang out with him when he’d go outside to smoke. Melissa didn’t like that he smoked. She wouldn’t protest or complain. She had a huffy way of making it known when he’d grab his jacket to go out. We talked about everything under the sun while he smoked. I found myself getting a little sad when he put his cigarette out. I always hoped he’d light another so we could spend more time alone together. This all came to a head the summer after I graduated high school. Nick and Melissa lived with our parents. We spent more and more time together than we otherwise would have. Hanging out was never inappropriate or sexual. We just ...