Mind Controlled Janice Pt. 103
Date: 11/29/2023, Categories: True Story Bondage and restriction Domination/submission Group Sex Mind Control, Non-consensual sex Author: janicegoodall
... had finished with her she was going to have to walk back to the car naked. After good sex he fastened one of her wrists to a tree with rope unfastened her other bondage fastenings and started to walk to the car. It took her a couple of minutes to unfastened her wrist and she had to walk naked by herself to the car. She worried about been seen but also found the thought exciting. Nobody saw her until she reached the car park and there were about 5 people about. She put her chin up and walked past them ignoring their looks but again she found it a thrill exhibiting herself. Back at the car she bent over the bonnet and Stephen took her from behind she released her excitement into a massive climax. From then she enjoyed been an exhibitionist, flashing her body to people or walking naked in the woods. Several other memories of wonderful sex with Stephen went through her mind. But the machine stole those memories they fragmented and disappeared. The machine replaced the memories with less satisfying sexual thoughts. Thoughts of Stephen not performing as well or as frequently in bed. It placed false memories of arguments and unhappy events in her head and made her more conservative with sex. She remembered meeting Wayne, how charming he was and that he took her to his bed. She remembered that they had sex nearly every week, sometimes in his office, sometimes at his house and sometimes at her house. She remembered resisting Wayne's suggestion of a threesome with Wayne and ...
... his friend Ron. Finally agreeing not because she wanted to but because she did not want to lose Wayne. She was surprised that she enjoyed it, the touch of two men on her body at the same time was arousing. She willingly agreed to further sessions with the two of them. This attention from the two of them lit up and invigorated her need for sex, she lost even more inhibitions. She remembered inviting Ron to her house for coffee and the two of them having sex together, she never told Wayne and the affair with Ron lasted about six months when Ron suggested a threesome with his son, Simon, she agreed. His son was eighteen it was clear he was a virgin. She remembered feeling guilty at first but the sex with the two of them was good and they met five times for threesomes. Ron then moved out of the area. The machine took only some of her memories Ron, Simon and threesomes disappeared as did some of the meetings with Wayne but it let her keep some of them. The box then removed all the memories of what had happened that day, the memories of rape disappeared how she had been told many of her family were also controlled disappeared. The machine confirmed Wayne's command that she should give her husband oral sex twice a week for a year and that it was an amazing experience and that she should also mount her husband for sex after the oral sex and there she would experience the most amazing climaxes with him. After a year she was to stop and totally forget the sex and oral sex. The ...